Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Trump claim to ‘best testing’ falls flat

- By Zeke Miller, Darlene Superville and Michael Stobbe

WASHINGTON — Here are some snapshots from what President Donald Trump describes as the nation with the “best testing in the world” for the coronaviru­s:

In Sun Belt states where the virus is surging, lines of cars with people seeking tests snake for hours in the beating sun, often yielding results so far after the fact that they’re useless.

In Pittsburgh, adults who are afraid they’ve been exposed to the coronaviru­s are being asked to skip testing if they can quarantine at home for 14 days to help reduce delays and backlogs.

In Hawaii, the governor will wait another month to lift a two-week quarantine on visitors because of test supply shortages and delays that potential visitors are facing in getting results.

“Testing has been a challenge everywhere,” says Utah Republican Gov. Gary Herbert.

The White House insists it’s giving states whatever they need. But public health experts say the testing system is in shambles and federal leadership is lacking. Trump’s persistent salesmansh­ip about the prowess of testing in the United States is colliding with a far different reality for those affected by the explosion in coronaviru­s cases.

The long lines and processing delays are contributi­ng to the virus’s spread and upending plans to reopen stores, schools and other activities that are vital to the economic rebound that Trump himself is intent on bringing about.

“We have the best testing in the world,” the president insisted Tuesday. He falsely

Health care workers take informatio­n from people in line at a walk-up COVID-19 testing

claimed “the cases are created because of the fact that we do tremendous testing.”

But U.S. testing on a per-capita basis lags other countries that have done a far better job of controllin­g their outbreaks. And state, local and federal officials are warning of the consequenc­es of testing bottleneck­s — including tests rendered useless because results come too late.

“It’s essentiall­y worthless to have a test result that comes back after 48 hours,” said Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and public health professor at George Washington University who previously served as Baltimore’s health commission­er. She explained that after that time, the window to begin contact tracing and prevent additional infections has essentiall­y closed.

“We are nowhere near being able to rein in this virus with the amount of



testing we have available at the moment,” she added. “Testing is the linchpin.”

The Trump administra­tion plays down the problem.

Adm. Brett Giroir, assistant health secretary, says more than half of U.S. states are processing test results in three days or less, adding “everybody is doing a really good job as much as they can.”

Guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that states, as they lift final virus restrictio­ns, have a turnaround time under two days.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany suggests that it’s states that need to do more.

“There are various different types of tests in this country,” she said Thursday. “Some take longer to process than others. But we have surged testing to the states and we encourage site

them to use it to their best ability and to process those tests as quickly as possible.”

Yet even Republican governors say they need more federal help.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, chairman of the National Governors Associatio­n, is deeply critical of the administra­tion’s testing response.

“We expected something more than constant heckling from the man who was supposed to be our leader,” Hogan wrote in an op-ed in The Washington Post this week. “Trump soon disabused us of that expectatio­n.

“On April 6, he declared that testing wasn’t Washington’s responsibi­lity after all,” Hogan went on. “‘States can do their own testing,’ ” he quoted Trump as saying. “‘We’re the federal government. We’re not supposed to stand on street corners doing testing.’ ”

Whoever is responsibl­e

Friday in Miami Beach, Florida.

for testing shortfalls, the result is working against Trump’s own goals to get the economy moving.

In Hawaii, Democratic Gov. David Ige said a shortage of chemical reagents used in testing was one reason the state will delay a plan to make it easier for tourists to visit. It was a huge disappoint­ment to many in Hawaii hoping for a surge in tourism to reduce the state’s 22.6% unemployme­nt rate.

In Pennsylvan­ia’s Allegheny County, which encompasse­s Pittsburgh and 1.2 million residents, health officials are trying to triage the demand for tests. Dr. Debra Bogen, director of the county’s Health Department, is asking adults who are concerned that they were exposed, but do not have symptoms, to put off getting tested.

Even as the White House sticks with its rosy outlook, the U.S. government’s top official in charge of coronaviru­s testing is urging Americans not to get retested for COVID-19 to confirm they’ve recovered.

“It’s clogging up the system,” Giroir said. He said U.S. officials will soon issue guidelines explicitly recommendi­ng against the practice, except for patients in the most severe cases.

The American Clinical Laboratory Associatio­n said many of its labs are being stretched beyond capacity or don’t have the supplies they need, and this week encouraged members to give priority to “those most in need, especially hospitaliz­ed and symptomati­c patients.”

“There’s a huge disconnect between what the task force indicates is happening and what we are truly experienci­ng in the field,” said Dr. Carmen Wiley, president of the American Associatio­n of Clinical Chemistry.

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