Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Reverend was key civil rights leader who taught nonviolenc­e

- By Desiree Seals and Michael Warren

ATLANTA — The Rev. C.T. Vivian, an early and key adviser to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. who organized pivotal civil rights campaigns and spent decades advocating for justice and equality, died Friday at the age of 95.

Vivian died at home in Atlanta of natural causes Friday morning, his friend and business partner Don Rivers confirmed to The Associated Press.

Vivian began staging sitins against segregatio­n in Peoria, Illinois, in the 1940s — a dozen years before lunch-counter protests by college students made national news. He met King soon after the budding civil rights leader’s leadership of the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott, and helped translate ideas into action by organizing the Freedom Rides that forced federal interventi­on across the South.

Vivian boldly challenged a segregatio­nist sheriff while trying to register Black voters in Selma, Alabama, where hundreds, then thousands, later marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

“You can turn your back now and you can keep your club in your hand, but you cannot beat down justice. And we will register to vote because as citizens of these United States we have the right to do it,” Vivian declared, wagging his index finger at Sheriff Jim Clark as the cameras rolled.

The sheriff then punched him, and news coverage of the assault helped turned a local registrati­on drive into a national phenomenon.

Former diplomat and congressma­n Andrew Young, another close King confidant, said Vivian was always “one of the people who had the most insight, wisdom, integrity and dedication.”

Former President Barack Obama, who honored Vivian with the Presidenti­al Medal of Freedom in 2013, tweeted Friday that “he was always one of the first in the action ... absorbing blows in hopes that fewer of us would have to.”

Among many other tributes, The King Center in Atlanta tweeted: “Rev. C.T. Vivian. Courageous. Brilliant. Sacrificia­l. A powerfully well-lived life that lifted humanity. We will miss you.” And the Rev. Al Sharpton, who heads the National Action Network, tweeted that Vivian “made this nation and world a better place.”

Speaking with students in Tennessee 50 years after the Voting Rights Act was signed into law, Vivian urged them to act strategica­lly as they advocated for justice and equality. The civil rights movement was effective not only because of its nonviolenc­e, but because activists made sure their messages were amplified, he said.

“This is what made the movement: Our voice was really heard. But it didn’t happen by accident; we made certain it was heard,” Vivian said.

Cordy Tindell Vivian was born July 28, 1924, in Howard County, Missouri, but moved to Macomb, Illinois, with his mother as a young boy. He studied theology alongside future civil rights leader and U.S. congressma­n John Lewis at the American Baptist College in Nashville, Tennessee, where they trained waves of activists in nonviolent protest.

King made Vivian his national director of affiliates at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and sent him around the South to register voters, an effort that brought Vivian to Selma in 1965.

Vivian continued to serve in the SCLC after King’s assassinat­ion in 1968, and became its interim president in 2012, lending renewed credibilit­y after the organizati­on stagnated for years. He also co-founded VISION, the precursor to Outward Bound; the Center for Democratic Renewal; and a consulting firm that encouraged improvemen­ts in race relations.

“There must always be the understand­ing of what Martin had in mind for this organizati­on,” Vivian said in a 2012 interview. “Nonviolent, direct action makes us successful. We learned how to solve social problems without violence. We cannot allow the nation or the world to ever forget that.”


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