Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Our leaders need to listen


I am beyond disgusted and outraged at the lack of empathy among the leadership in this country and this state. The president and governor were both elected to gather informatio­n from experts and to disseminat­e it to the best of their ability and pass it on to their constituen­ts. Neither Trump nor DeSantis listened to the scientists and medical profession­als when it came time to reopen after the stay-at-home order. We were supposed to have 14 consistent days of declining positive cases to open Phase 1. That never happened, we opened anyway. Dr. Fauci and all of the scientists on TV warned that cases would spike if states opened too soon. They also encouraged face masks, social distancing and frequent hand washing. None of those guidelines suggest holding indoor rallies with thousands of people and no regard to self-containmen­t. Nearly half of America listens to these socalled leaders. They refuse to believe that the pandemic is still in the acute stage and like the president, refuse to wear masks and want to “live their lives.” Many think the pandemic is a hoax!

Our economy will not recover and we will not go back to some semblance of normalcy until people start listening to science and stop listening to our so-called leaders who are doing everything but lead. Those two idiots that can’t even issue a statewide or national mandate to wear masks in public should be held accountabl­e for the rising death toll.

Jennifer Thorson, Highland Beach

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