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Pelosi: House to stay until deal

- By Andrew Taylor

Speaker said theHouse will remain in session until lawmakers deliver another round of virus relief.

WASHINGTON — Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday the House will remain in session until lawmakers deliver another round of COVID-19 relief, a move that came as Democrats from swing districts signaled discontent with a standoff that could force them to face voters without delivering more aid.

“We are committed to staying here until we have an agreement, an agreement that meets the needs of the American people,” Pelosi said on CNBC.

Pelosi told her Democratic colleagues on a morning conference call that “we have to stay here until we have a bill,” according to a Democratic aide speaking on condition of anonymity but authorized to quote her remarks.

The move highlighte­d the extent to which coronaviru­s legislatio­n has settled into a kind of suspended animation in the final legislativ­e weeks before the November election. Both parties insist they want action, keeping the idea of new relief alive, but negotiatio­ns between Democrats and the White House remain frozen, with both sides entrenched in their positions.

Pelosi’s comments came as moderate Democrats, many from areas won by President Donald Trump four years ago, signed on to a $1.5 trillion rescue package endorsed by the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, a group of about 50 lawmakers who seek common solutions to issues.

The plan contains many elements of COVID rescue packages devised by both House Democrats and Republican­s controllin­g the Senate, including aid to schools, funding for state and local government­s, and renewal of lapsed COVID related jobless benefits.

The price tag is significan­tly less than the $2.2 trillion figure cited by Pelosi, but it’s also well above an approximat­ely $650 billion Senate GOP plan that failed last week due to Democratic opposition.

Talks between Pelosi and the White House broke down last month, and there had been little optimism they would rekindle before Election Day. Last week, Senate Democrats scuttled a scaled-back GOP coronaviru­s rescue package.

Pelosi has maintained a hard line in negotiatio­ns and has been at odds with White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. She orchestrat­ed passage of a $3.4 trillion COVID rescue package back in May, but the effort was dismissed by Senate Republican­s andthe Trump administra­tion.

Tuesday’s remarks, said Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill, don’t mean that the speaker is adopting a more flexible position. She instead seems to be signaling continued determinat­ion to press ahead and won’t adjourn the House without an agreement with the administra­tion.

Success is by no means guaranteed, and many people on Capitol Hill remain skeptical that an agreement between the White House and Democrats is likely before the election.

“My sense is the clock is running out,” said Senate GOP Whip John Thune of South Dakota. “I don’t see any intention or desire on the part of the Democrat leadership at the moment — regardless of what their members are saying — to cooperate and to work together on a solution. I think they feel like they’ve got the issue and they want to try and ride it in November.”

As the leadership talks collapsed, some moderate Democrats have been agitating for greater compromise. Their talks with pragmatic Republican­s yielded common ground, but the group does not have much of a track record of producing results.

“This is how Congress is supposed to work,” said Rep. Dusty Johnson, RS. a member of the Problem Solvers group, describing a lengthy, bipartisan negotiatio­n that produced a consensus. The group hopes the package illustrate­s the kinds of compromise­s that top Democrats and the administra­tion would have to make to get a measure passed and signed into law.

“I hope our leadership is paying attention. I hope our leadership is looking hard at what we’re doing,” said Rep. Kurt Schrader, DOre. “We consider this the basic tenets of any package that comes out of the House and the Senate and is signed by the president of the United States.”

 ?? MICHAEL A. MCCOY/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., says the Democrats are running out the clock with their negotiatin­g for more virus relief.
MICHAEL A. MCCOY/THE NEW YORK TIMES Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., says the Democrats are running out the clock with their negotiatin­g for more virus relief.

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