Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

On economy, Dems need better messaging


President Trump does better than Joe Biden in polls on handling the economy, even though he took a growing economy, seemed to improve it, and then nearly destroyed it. Howis that possible?

Trump’s deliberate disregard of the dangers of COVID-19, and so many of his deadly missteps, were aimed largely at trying to keep the economy looking good for his re-election effort. If that had worked, he’d most certainly claim credit; he should accept responsibi­lity for the horrific results. And things would be infinitely worse if Congressio­nal Democrats hadn’t saved the day by pushing for so much relief and stimulus, primarily through the CARES Act.

Republican­s have somehow convinced the American people that Republican­s are better for the economy, despite strong evidence to the contrary. That’s particular­ly amazing since the Great Recession of 2007–2009 began under Republican­s, andwas turned around under Democrats.

Economic growth and job creation are frequently better under Democratic administra­tions, with much better stock market performanc­e. Giant tax cuts for the wealthy and corporatio­ns— with resulting massive deficits that Republican­s only seem concerned about when Democrats are in charge— have not created sustainabl­e economic growth. And gutting environmen­tal regulation, while calling globalwarm­ing a hoax and ignoring the science, may ultimately pose a bigger threat to the economy than COVID-19.

Democrats seem to knowall this. Now they need to figure out howto convince the American people.

David J. Roberts, Associate Professor Emeritus of Accountanc­y, De Paul University

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