Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Bountiful basil

Make the most of summer’s favorite herb

- By Gretchen McKay

The garden gods have been good to me this summer, even if theweather has been something of a nightmare for those of us without central air.

Despite a long string of 90-degree days and not enough rain, my basil is thriving. Thanks to soft and tasty leaves at the ready, pesto is making regular appearance­s onmy table. Being stuck at home with an office overlookin­gmy garden has undoubtedl­y helped because it is hard not to notice whenmy plants need a drink.

Basil loves the sun and a well-drained spot in the garden, but it also grows well in a pot on a bright, sunny windowsill. It’s a quick harvest, with leaves ready for picking in as little as three or fourweeks.

If you don’t growthe fragrant green herb, you can find it easily enough at farmers markets or the grocery store, both in plant form for easy snipping and in bunches.

Basil has long been considered the “king of herbs” because it is so flavorful and versatile.

Native to parts of Asia and Africa, it’s grown all over theworld and used in a variety of cuisines, although the sweet variety (Ocimum bacilicum) and its close cousin, Genovese basil, aremost associated with Italian andMediter­ranean cooking.

Basil plays a supporting role in any number of pasta dishes, and it pairs sowonderfu­lly with tomatoes that it is a key player not just in caprese salad and classic marinara sauce but also on a pizza margherita as a salute to the green stripe in Italy’s flag.

Itwas considered a token of love in Italian folklore. If aman accepted a sprig of sweet basil froma woman, itwas believed that he’d fall helplessly in love with her.

Thai basil, conversely, has a licorice flavor, making it a go-to choice for Asian


Another popular variety, lemon basil, has a noticeable citrus flavor that lends itself to seafood. Purple basil, in addition to adding a beautiful pop of color to dishes, has a slightly spicy flavor and is good in salads or when steeped in vinegar.

Basil needs some TLC when it is brought home from the market or taken inside fromthe garden. It does a lot better stored like a bouquet of flowers in a glass ofwater on the counter at room temperatur­e. But the leaves also can be wrapped in paper towels,

placed in a plastic bag and slipped into the fridge. Just knowthey keep only for a day or so when chilled.

If you’ve got it in spades, consider freezing it. You’ll have to blanch the leaves first to preserve basil’s beautiful bright-green color and then pat them dry with a dish cloth or paper towel. Place them in a freezer-safe container, separated into layers withwax or parchment paper. Or puree fresh basil leaveswith a little olive oil (1 tablespoon per 1 cup of basil) and freeze the mixture in an ice cube tray.

But that’s for a later day. To use the basil immediatel­y, we’ve got some tasty ideas.

Making pesto is a nobrainer, but don’t be content to simply toss the garlicky sauce made with pine nuts and olive oil with pasta. Spread it on sandwiches, dollop it on top of pizza, toss it with steamed or grilled vegetables, or whisk it with mayo into chicken, egg or tuna salad. You also can marry pesto with butter as an herby topping for corn on the cob.

If you’re looking for a basil-heavy main dish without ties to Italy, consider a spicy stir-fry. Thai chicken basil comes together in less time than it takes to order takeout. Thai chilies can make your palate burn, but spicy food actually helps to cool you off when it’s hot because it makes you sweat.

And for dessert, nothing shouts summer like a cool and creamy lime pie. Take it to the next level by adding some basil to the filling. Sweet basil has a hint of mint that pairs exceptiona­llywell with citrus, and everyone loves a bite of something sweet to close out the day.

You might not be able to take that trip toKeyWest this year for obvious reasons, or anywhere else where there’s sand and water. But you can still eat as if you did.

 ?? GRETCHEN MCKAY/PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE PHOTOS ?? Cool and creamy, lime pie studded with bits of basil hits the spot on a hot late summer night.
GRETCHEN MCKAY/PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE PHOTOS Cool and creamy, lime pie studded with bits of basil hits the spot on a hot late summer night.
 ??  ?? Green beans add crunch to Thai basil chicken while minced chile peppers add heat.
Green beans add crunch to Thai basil chicken while minced chile peppers add heat.
 ??  ?? Basil pesto butter dresses up corn on the cob.
Basil pesto butter dresses up corn on the cob.

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