Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Thoughtful coastline policy means more than banning offshore drilling

- By Chip LaMarca

Floridians saw another active hurricane season this year. We are no strangers to the effects of hurricanes, but extreme weather, coastal erosion and sea-level rise all threaten the lives and property of Floridians.

We are uniquely vulnerable to climate-related damage and have seen the effects evolve more quickly here than in most parts of the country. Policymake­rs need to focus their attention on this issue in a bipartisan and holistic manner.

As a former Lighthouse Point City Commission­er, former Broward County Commission­er and now

State Representa­tive for the 93rd district, I’ve spent my career focused on many of these issues. Protecting our beaches has always been a top priority.

That’s why I have consistent­ly opposed offshore drilling that would threaten our coastline. This was also the driving force behind my signature legislatio­n in my first session. “Coastal Management” passed unanimousl­y in 2019 and allows Florida beaches to be renourishe­d in a timely manner with a dedicated, recurring $50 million funding source.

I was also an early member of the American Flood Coalition, which works to help ensure that our coastal communitie­s are more resilient to flooding and extreme weather.

I have also supported clean energy technologi­es, like solar power. They are critical because they curb the long-term effects of climate change in Florida.

The good news is that progress is being made. Working across the aisle, policymake­rs have advanced important initiative­s on this front over the past year. Gov. Ron DeSantis has shown new leadership by making the environmen­t a priority.

He appointed Florida’s first Chief Resilience Officer, dedicating resources to the significan­t challenges for our coastal communitie­s. And earlier this year, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio joined the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus and has been a champion of climate issues in Washington. Florida House Speaker Chris

Sprowls has made climate change one of the pillars of his agenda.

We are finally seeing climate issues and our environmen­t take center stage in Florida.

All of these actions are proof positive that we are capable of having a strong and growing economy while protecting our environmen­t and our coastline for future generation­s.

In fact, doing it the right way is good for business. Not only does it protect our tourism industry, but it also grows high-paying clean energy jobs.

When we focus on slowing the effects of climate change, we become a more resilient state. When we make climate change and our environmen­t a priority, we reduce the climate risk level of our state. That means more businesses will want to plant roots here and we should see more affordable property insurance rates.

Within my district, the clean energy sector is a major employer, from solar installati­on contractor­s to research in renewable energy for transporta­tion. As we continue to move from economic recovery to revival, it’s critical that we bring back these jobs. Working with our congressio­nal delegation and building on Sen. Rubio’s relief efforts, we have the opportunit­y to do just that.

Opposing offshore drilling is vital. Supporting clean energy jobs is important. Hardening our infrastruc­ture to better cope with flooding and extreme weather is critical.

Doing all these things and more in a comprehens­ive and holistic manner is the key to mitigating the impacts of climate change and ensuring that our local economy flourishes. With bipartisan leadership, our state can lead the country on these important conversati­ons.

Unfortunat­ely, we must. Because whether we like it or not, the damage will arrive here first.

Republican state Rep. Chip LaMarca represents coastal Broward County. He is a member of the American Flood Coalition and sits on the Florida House Environmen­t, Agricultur­e and Flooding Subcommitt­ee.

”The Invading Sea” is the opinion arm of the Florida Climate Reporting Network, a collaborat­ive of news organizati­ons across the state focusing on the threats posed by the warming climate.

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