Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

South Florida congresswo­man barricaded herself in room for five hours during Capitol riot.

- By Skyler Swisher Skyler Swisher can be reached at sswisher@ sunsentine­l. com, 561- 243- 6634 or @ SkylerSwis­her.

As rioters invaded the U. S. Capitol Wednesday, South Florida Congresswo­man Lois Frankel barricaded herself in a small room, turned off the lights and pondered what she could use as a makeshift mask if tear gas wafted into her safe place.

Frankel, a Democrat who represents Palm Beach County i n Washington, knew when the day began it would be a long one with a contentiou­s debate over certifying the presidenti­al election.

The 72- year- old congresswo­man didn’t expect to spend about five hours locked in a room with one of her friends — U. S. Rep. Grace Meng from New York City. She said she could hear the mob stampeding outside the room as she sheltered behind locked doors. They chanted “USA,” Meng wrote on Twitter.

Worried about the lack of social distancing on the House floor, Frankel said she went into a side room in the U. S. Capitol. Meanwhile, debate started on the election results.

“I was not in there for a couple of minutes when we got this alert that said everybody stay in place,” Frankel recalled. “Then all hell broke out. ... We literally barricaded the doors ourselves. We lifted very large chairs and stacked them against the door.”

She texted a photo of the makeshift barricade to her son, who served in the U. S. Marines, so he could check whether he thought it would be sufficient. Frankel said she spent the next five hours watching the television news on mute, talking softly with her friend and answering a barrage of texts from worried friends and family. She wondered whether she could use a dampened curtain as a do- it- yourself gas mask when an alert went out that tear gas would be used.

It was a surreal experience, she said.

“When I was watching the TV today, I thought I was looking at another country,” Frankel said. “I recognized the Capitol and Trump flags, but other than that, it was another country.”

For food, Frankel said she munched on cookies Meng had brought from New York, and they were able to use a bathroom in an outer room behind another door that was locked.

Finally about 6:30 p.m ., Capitol Police rescued Frankel from her safe room, and she returned to her legislativ­e office.

“The Capitol Police were exhausted,” Frankel said. “They were sitting on the ground absolutely exhausted. There should have been much more protection. When t hey had the Black Lives Matter protest, which was nothing like this, the National Guard was armed and up protecting the Capitol, and we had nothing like that today.”

Meng t weeted about her experience and posted pictures of the room where she sought shelter with Frankel.

“After 5 hours I’ve been rescued from my hiding place,” she wrote. “Now i can show you my DIY barricade and gas masks. Protesters were right outside the door chanting ‘ USA USA’ it was scary but i am ok! Thanks all for your prayers.”

As the debate restarted, Frankel said she will stay as long as it takes to certify the election and won’t be intimidate­d by the mob outside the Capitol.

“It was a small but dangerous group of people who were incited by the president of the United States, who is out of control,” Frankel said. “But everyone should know this is not going to stop our democracy or the wheels of justice. We are going to certify this election.”

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