Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Sibling rivalry buffets sib in middle

- Submit letters to askamy@amydickins­ or to “Ask Amy” P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.

Dear Amy: My brother and sister live very close to one another in our hometown.

I lived in another state — 2,000 miles away. As siblings, we’ve always been very close.

I recently lost my husband, and I decided to move home.

My sister tells me my brother talks behind my back, and my brother tells me my sister talks behind my back. I don’t know who to believe. They no longer talk. Help! — Stuck in the Middle

Dear Stuck: Your experience reminds me of being trapped between my two (occasional­ly) warring sisters in the back of our mother’s Plymouth Duster.

It was an occasional­ly tough experience, but great training for two profession­s: Line judge at Wimbledon, or what I do now, which is listening, watching, and weighing in.

Start with this: Do not believe either sibling’s account of the other sibling’s behavior.

For instance, if they aren’t talking to one another, then how do they know that the other sibling is trash-talking you behind your back?

You have the right to draw and enforce boundaries. If you don’t mind listening sympatheti­cally to one sibling vent about the other, then go ahead and passively engage. Understand, however, that these two may use your allegiance as a spoil in their private war, which will affect your ability to have a relationsh­ip with either one.

You do not need to mediate or solve anything for them. You DO need to tell the truth to both about how their behavior makes you feel: “I moved across the continent to be closer to you both. I hope you will find a way to mend fences, because life is short, and I will not choose between you. Currently, however, I find you both very annoying.”

 ?? Amy Dickinson ??
Amy Dickinson

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