Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Mad queen of the Anglo-Saxons abdicates throne

- Jonah Goldberg Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Marjorie Taylor Greene was readying her assault, like that legendary Anglo-Saxon warrior Canute the Great at Assandun. The QAnon-friendly firstterm Georgia congresswo­man, who was banned from any committee assignment­s shortly after she was sworn in, was poised to launch her “America First Caucus” with Republican Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona, an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist so odious that his siblings cut an ad in 2018 endorsing his opponent.

They were going to be legends. But they turned out to be “cucks,” an insult that crowd loves to use.

Punchbowl News got ahold of the “America First Caucus Policy Platform,” a seven-page document detailing what these modern-day Knights of the Round Table would fight for. Contrary to a lot of the hysteria, it doesn’t read like “Mein Kampf ” or “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” It reads more like what Greene said it was — a “staff-level draft proposal” based on some Trumpian boilerplat­e.

Most press accounts focused on two passages as proof the American First Caucus was soaked in white supremacy. First, America should have an immigratio­n policy consistent with “common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions.” Second, our infrastruc­ture should reflect “the architectu­ral, engineerin­g and aesthetic value that befits the progeny of European architectu­re.”

That was enough for most Republican­s, as well as the press and the Democrats, to rain fire on the whole project. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy insisted the GOP is not the party of “nativist dog whistles.” This point might strike some observers of the last four years as a bit of a surprise.

“Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil,” tweeted Rep. Liz Cheney, the valiant leader of what might be called pre-Trump conservati­sm in the House. “History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate.”

Now, I come not so much to praise the America First Caucus but to bury them. The remarkable thing about this whole project isn’t its racism or nativism but its stupidity.

The most enduring Anglo-Saxon political institutio­n was monarchy (though Anglo-Saxons were hardly alone there). The institutio­n that was fairly unique to them was the Witan, a meeting of “wise men” or nobles whom the king would call upon for advice on important political questions. Many historians see the roots of parliament­ary democracy in the Witan.

“It does indeed look as if the history of constituti­onal liberty has important beginnings in Anglo-Saxon England,” the late British historian James Campbell wrote.

Of course, Greene, who famously thought that Rothschild­s and space lasers might have caused California’s wildfires, almost certainly does not know this — and probably none of her supporters do either.

And normally, they wouldn’t need to know it. Outside of a few Whiggish historians, nobody really cares, because our institutio­ns aren’t “Anglo-Saxon,” they’re Anglo-American. Besides, our Anglo-American inheritanc­e owes far more to France (James Madison cribbed a lot of our Constituti­on’s structure from Montesquie­u), the great commercial Republic of Holland, and the ancient Greeks and Romans than to King Canute or Alfred the Great.

My point isn’t that these profession­al trolls deserve the benefit of the doubt or that their critics are wrong to assume “Anglo-Saxon” is a racist dog whistle. Any project Gosar (who is of Slovenian and Basque descent, by the way) is part of deserves no benefit of the doubt. My point is that these people are idiots.

Perhaps the staff-level poltroons who wrote this platform meant to say “Anglo-American.” Or maybe they spent too much time in internet chat rooms where “Anglo-Saxon” is flung about like so much poo at the monkey house.

They’re not just idiots. They’re also cowards. The whole shtick of this recrudesce­nt nativist crowd is its alleged willingnes­s to fight. Fight whom? Everyone: the establishm­ent, the media, the deep state, the socialists and the allegedly Hebraic tentacles of George Soros.

In the fevered minds of Greene & Co., Republican­s who cave to the architects of demographi­c “replacemen­t theory” are spineless cucks.

But it was Greene who backed down, whining that “the scum and liars in the media are calling me a racist by taking something out of context.” She has since announced that she wouldn’t be launching her America First Caucus after all.

Ignorance is often the author of cowardice. If Greene and her fellow travelers seriously believed in anything, they’d know how to defend their claims. But when confronted with criticism from McCarthy, Cheney and the media, they surrendere­d like meek peasants before a feudal lord, unable to defend anything that can’t be reduced to a hashtag or an applause line delivered to a crowd of people who don’t know anything, either.

 ?? DREW ANGERER/GETTY ?? Saying her words were taken out of context, first-term Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia backed down from launching her America First Caucus.
DREW ANGERER/GETTY Saying her words were taken out of context, first-term Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia backed down from launching her America First Caucus.
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