Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Individual­ism makes us altruistic and happy

- By Andreas Kluth Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Individual­ism is good, collectivi­sm is bad. That’s what I first concluded as a teenager after reading Friedrich Hayek’s seminal treatise, “The Road to Serfdom.” Every life experience since then has confirmed my hunch. That makes it all the more irritating when opponents of individual­ism, out of ignorance or bad faith, keep distorting what it is.

A particular­ly misleading charge is that individual­ism should somehow be tantamount to selfishnes­s and egoism. Individual­ists think only of themselves, this narrative goes, whereas people in collectivi­st societies take care of their group.

The opposite is closer to the truth. That’s the conclusion of forthcomin­g research by four psychologi­sts — Shawn Rhoads, Rebecca Ryan, and Abigail Marsh at Georgetown University and Devon Gunter at Harvard. They did an impressive data dive, in which they painted what amounts to a psycho-cultural atlas of the world.

One thing they measured was not only objective well-being in different countries, such as wealth and health, but also people’s subjective perception that they’re flourishin­g or thriving.

They mapped the world according to six cultural markers defined by the late Dutch social scientist Geert Hofstede. Some countries value power hierarchie­s more than others. Some are more “masculine” — prizing achievemen­t and heroism, say — while others treasure consensus and cooperatio­n. Some cultures are more comfortabl­e with uncertaint­y and ambiguity, others less so. Some emphasize the long term, others the short term. Some cherish restraint, others embrace indulgence.

And then there’s individual­ism. It marks cultures that value people’s autonomy in making personal choices and seeking fulfillmen­t and self-expression. In contrast, collectivi­st societies extol subordinat­ing personal autonomy to the needs of the group and one’s own place in it.

The authors also investigat­ed altruism. They mined data on everything from volunteer work and random acts of kindness to charitable giving, donations of blood, kidneys or bone marrow, and even the humane treatment of animals.

One relationsh­ip jumped out from all this number crunching: Individual­ism, subjective well-being and altruism are intimately linked, as these maps show. By contrast, countries with collectivi­st cultures, such as China or Ukraine, tend to rank low on altruism.

It’s an open question whether these are just correlatio­ns, or whether causation is at work, and in which direction. But according to Marsh, one of the authors, it appears that individual­ism makes people thrive, which in turn makes them more altruistic, which makes them feel even better about themselves, and so on in a virtuous cycle.

As a Hayekian, I find this reassuring more than surprising. the collectivi­st priority given to the group is really a form of discrimina­tion in favor of insiders, whether defined by genetic or ideologica­l kinship, and against outsiders, including strangers. Collectivi­st “solidarity” is thus neither totally voluntary nor inclusive, and “harmony” tends to be coerced and parochial. It stops at class in communism, at tribe or nation in fascism, at sect in religious fundamenta­lism.

By contrast, the individual­ist emphasis on personal autonomy and freedom may loosen the social bonds of kinship but also opens the mind toward people outside our in-group, including total strangers.

Very early on and for entirely unrelated motivation­s, the Catholic Church discourage­d old traditions like cousin marriage and polygamy. Cumulative­ly, these policies weakened kinship institutio­ns and encouraged the spread of nuclear families.

This forced Western Europeans to look beyond their in-groups and find other affiliatio­ns, including individual definition­s of identity. Modernity only turbo-boosted the trend. That would explain why individual­ism, and thus altruism, is not unique to, but much more prevalent in “the West,” which in this context means cultures that historical­ly originated in lands with a Catholic heritage, even if they are predominan­tly Protestant or secular today.

The origins of individual­ism may have been Western, but its future appears to be global, because it is spreading almost everywhere. With luck, this will lead ever more people on our planet out of serfdom, making them more open-minded and generous toward others, not to mention happier and free.

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