Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Young people must vaccinate to make up for DeSantis’ failures

- By Ken Evans Ken Evans is the Democratic State Committeem­an for Broward County and co-chair of the Florida Democratic Party’s Clubs, Organizati­ons and Caucuses.

Summer is a special time; I know this after 40 years in the camping industry. I observe my campers’ progress every year, and it never ceases to amaze me. They develop respect for themselves, respect for others, and the confidence to face new challenges.

Indeed, a lot can happen in the space of a single summer. Since this summer began, the COVID-19 vaccinatio­n rate (at least one dose) in Florida has slowed by more than half compared to the preceding seven weeks, and the state is now reporting the most cases ever, accounting for one in five nationwide.

Gov. Ron DeSantis, perpetuati­ng the horrible politiciza­tion of this pandemic, is driving this setback. At a time when we need to protect our children more than ever, he has signed an executive order banning mask mandates and even threatened school officials’ salaries if they fail to comply.

Whether he makes it official or not, DeSantis is, at the moment, running for president. Frankly, that should terrify everyone. He looks and speaks like a politician who seems reasonable enough. He maintains a façade of competence and at least pretends to act in the people’s best interests. However, he is trying to win the votes of Donald Trump’s supporters and continue the former president’s chilling legacy.

When it comes to this man, I agree with a traditiona­lly conservati­ve philosophy: I don’t trust government. More accurately, I don’t trust government officials who gamble with our children’s lives. In the United States of America, your governor’s political ideology shouldn’t put your life at risk.

The answer isn’t easy, but it is simple. We have the tools to defeat COVID-19; the best one is the vaccine. We the people have to assume the mantle of personal responsibi­lity, another calling card of the right. Government is not going to help us get through this, not this time, and not with DeSantis in charge.

DeSantis tells us that not wearing a mask protects our “personal freedom” at the same time he is ending pandemic unemployme­nt insurance. Whether you agree with that or not, the message is clear: Many working families or small businesses will not survive financiall­y if we reach a new height in this pandemic.

Vaccine-eligible young people, ages 12 to 17: you must step up and be responsibl­e — for yourself, your families and our community. Children under 12, roughly 15% of the country, who cannot be vaccinated yet are virtually defenseles­s. Perhaps this pandemic has demanded that you grow up more quickly than you would have otherwise. That’s a shame, but I know from my campers and counselors that you all have the ability to think of the greater good. You’re on the verge of adulthood, and now is the time to give back to the community that has made each of you.

The science is clear: The delta variant is as contagious as chickenpox. We now know it’s impossible to keep just one group safe. Everyone has to be strong and do the right thing.

I want next summer to be filled with nothing but rays of hope for children of all ages. Get vaccinated, stay safe, and we’ll get through this together.

 ?? MARTA LAVANDIER/AP ?? Andres Veloso, 12, gets the first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine Aug. 9 in Miami. Florida is reporting a surge of COVID-19 cases caused by the delta variant.
MARTA LAVANDIER/AP Andres Veloso, 12, gets the first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine Aug. 9 in Miami. Florida is reporting a surge of COVID-19 cases caused by the delta variant.
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