Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Poll: Majority say surge was preventabl­e

69% oppose effort to punish schools over mask rules

- By Anthony Man

A public opinion poll released Tuesday provided new evidence that Floridians are gravely concerned about the current surge in COVID-19 cases, think it was largely preventabl­e, and support requiring masks in public schools.

The Quinnipiac University Poll also found many Floridians aren’t happy with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ pandemic performanc­e.

A significan­t majority — including more than half of voters in his own Republican Party — oppose the governor’s efforts to punish school leaders who have defied the governor and implemente­d mask mandates.

DeSantis’ move to withhold salaries of school leaders for mandating masks for students is a “bad idea” to 69% of Floridians and a “good idea” to 25%. Just 38% of Republican­s thought it was a good idea and 52% said it was a bad one. Democrats oppose DeSantis’ action on salaries by 91% to 8% and independen­ts by 70% to 26%.

The Centers for Disease Control recommends masking in schools to protect the community from the spread of COVID19. DeSantis issued an executive order on July 30 to stop school districts from imposing mask mandates.

Eight school districts representi­ng about 40% of the state’s population have defied the governor, despite the DeSantis administra­tion threat to withhold pay from school board members who voted to require masks.

Most people also disagree with another DeSantis move: banning local government­s from imposing mask mandates. The poll found more than two-thirds of Florida adults think local officials should be able to require masks in indoor public spaces.

“Concerns about COVID19 are palpable, and frustratio­n with the surge in cases is reflected in the fact that a majority of Floridians say it should never have happened,” Quinnipiac polling analyst Tim Malloy said in a statement about the poll findings.

The poll found 61% of Floridians think the rise in cases in the past few weeks was preventabl­e, 63% are concerned about the Delta variant, 59% say the spread of COVID-19 in the state is out of control and 73% say it is a serious current problem.

About a third of Floridians feel differentl­y. Just 33% disagree that the surge was preventabl­e, 35% aren’t concerned about Delta, 34% say COVID is under control and 25% don’t think it is a serious problem at this time.

As with most COVID-related questions, there is a partisan difference, with 98% of Democrats, 73% of independen­ts and 47% of Republican­s regarding it as a serious problem.

School policies

Most Floridians support requiring masks in schools.

But different levels of support emerged in two Quinnipiac Poll questions with somewhat different wording. Overall support for school mask mandates is higher than when it was phrased as a question of who should have the authority to make the decision, schools or parents.

• ”Do you support or oppose requiring students, teachers and staff to wear masks in schools?” The results were 60% support and 36% oppose.

• Do you think schools should be able to require masks for all students, or do

you think parents should decide whether or not their won student will be wearing a mask?” Pollsters found 54% of respondent­s thought schools should make the decision and 44% say it should be up to parents.

Christina Pushaw, DeSantis press secretary, said by email the governor “bases his policy preference­s on empirical evidence, not public opinion polling.

“Florida law does not ban masks — it merely protects parents’ rights to choose whether their own child wears a mask to school or not. Those who want their children to wear masks to school have the right to make that choice for their children. They do not have the right to force-mask other parents’ children. Anecdotall­y, some children do not have problems wearing masks 8 hours a day, but others do. Every child is different, and that’s why Governor DeSantis opposes -one-size-fits-all’ mandates,” Pushaw said. “The CDC’s forced-masking advocacy is not supported by data.”

Mask support

There is broad public support in Florida for mask wearing and mask requiremen­ts.

Overall, Quinnipiac found, 63% of Floridians say the issue of mask wearing was primarily about public health, and 33% see it is an issue of personal freedom. Republican­s feel differentl­y, with 58% regarding mask wearing as an issue of personal freedom and 39% as a matter of public health.

Other mask findings:

• Requiring everyone to wear masks while in indoor public spaces, 59% support, 39% oppose.

• Allowing local officials to require masks in indoor public spaces if they believe it is necessary, 68% support, 29% oppose.

• Consider masks or face coverings effective in slowing spread of COVID, 64% agree, 31% disagree.

DeSantis, partisan outlook

During most of the pandemic, the public has been sharply divided based on political preference­s. The Quinnipiac Poll shows that continues in Florida.

People are deeply divided over the performanc­e of DeSantis, who has emphasized personal responsibi­lity and individual freedom. The poll found 41% say he is helping efforts to slow the spread of COVID in Florida; 46% say he is hurting antiCOVID efforts.

Among Republican­s, 75% say DeSantis is helping. Among Democrats, 94% say he is hurting. Independen­ts are evenly split, with 44% saying he’s hurting efforts and 39% saying he’s helping.

More white Floridians think he’s helping (49%) than hurting (39%). Fewer Hispanics think he’s helping (39%) than hurting (48%). Among Black Floridians, 79% see DeSantis as hurting efforts to slow the spread of COVID and 19% as helping.

Pollsters found 37% of Floridians report they are limiting interactio­ns with friends and family members who don’t share their views about COVID19, and 60% say they aren’t doing that.

Political affiliatio­n plays an enormous role in those decisions, with 62% of Democrats reporting they’re limiting interactio­ns with people holding different views. By contrast, 75% of Republican­s and 64% of independen­ts say they are not limiting their interactio­ns with family and friends based on COVID views.

“Concerns about COVID-19 are palpable, and frustratio­n with the surge in cases is reflected in the fact that a majority of Floridians say it should never have happened.”

— Quinnipiac polling analyst Tim Malloy

Fine print

The results come from a Quinnipiac University survey of 997 Florida adults conducted by live interviewe­rs calling landlines and cell phones from Aug. 17-21. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

The sample sizes for subgroups — such as Democrats and Republican­s — are smaller, so the margin of error is higher.

Pollster ratings from FiveThirty­ give Quinnipiac an A minus rating based on the historical accuracy and methodolog­y of its polls.

 ?? JOE CAVARETTA/AP ?? Students arrive on the first day of the school year at Addison Mizner School in Boca Raton on Aug. 10.
JOE CAVARETTA/AP Students arrive on the first day of the school year at Addison Mizner School in Boca Raton on Aug. 10.

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