Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

House Dems elevate Cheney to No. 2 post on Jan. 6 panel

- By Luke Broadwater

WASHINGTON — House Democrats leading the investigat­ion into the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob named Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming on Thursday as the committee’s vice chairwoman, elevating the role of a Republican who has been a critic of former President Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election.

The announceme­nt effectivel­y makes Cheney the special committee’s second-ranking member, an unusual move for the majority party in the House, which typically grants that position to one of its own. But her appointmen­t to the panel has been part of a break with convention from the start, given that Democrats nominated her and another Republican, Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, in a bid to bring bipartisan credibilit­y to an investigat­ion that most other GOP lawmakers had denounced and worked to thwart.

“Rep. Cheney has demonstrat­ed again and again her commitment to getting answers about Jan. 6, ensuring accountabi­lity, and doing whatever it takes to protect democracy for the American people,” Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., the committee chairman, said in a statement announcing the move. “Her leadership and insights have shaped the early work of the select committee and this appointmen­t underscore­s the bipartisan nature of this effort.”

It comes as the special committee is ramping up its investigat­ion into the violence that engulfed the Capitol as supporters of Trump stormed the building in his name, brutalizin­g police officers and delaying for hours the official counting of electoral votes to formalize President Joe Biden’s victory.

The committee sent record preservati­on demands this week to 35 technology firms naming hundreds of people whose records they might want to review, including 11 of Trump’s most ardent allies in Congress, according to several people familiar with the documents who were not authorized to speak about its contents.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, the House Republican leader, has threatened to retaliate against any company that complies with the request.

McCarthy led the charge to strip Cheney of her Republican leadership post over her continued denunciati­on of Trump’s attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

This week, Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., leader of the ultraconse­rvative Freedom Caucus, circulated a letter calling on McCarthy to expel both Cheney, a staunch conservati­ve whose father served as vice president, and Kinzinger from the Republican conference.

“Congresswo­man Cheney and Congressma­n Kinzinger are two spies for the Democrats that we currently invite to the meetings, despite our inability to trust them,” Biggs wrote in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by The New

York Times.

Biggs, who promoted false claims of widespread election rigging in the run-up to the Jan. 6 attack, is among the Republican­s whose social media and phone records the select committee is seeking to preserve. In his letter, he proposed changing rules for the Republican caucus to expel any member who accepts a committee assignment from Democrats, a step that McCarthy has suggested in the past would be appropriat­e.

“We cannot trust these members to sit in our Republican conference meetings while we plan our defense against the Democrats,” Biggs wrote.

Cheney said in a statement that she was pleased to accept the post as the committee’s No. 2.

“Every member of this committee is dedicated to conducting a nonpartisa­n, profession­al and thorough investigat­ion of all the relevant facts regarding Jan. 6 and the threat to our Constituti­on we faced that day,” Cheney said. “I have accepted the position of vice chair of the committee to assure that we achieve that goal. We owe it to the American people to investigat­e everything that led up to, and transpired on, Jan. 6.”

 ?? OLIVER CONTRERAS/POOL VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., has been a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election.
OLIVER CONTRERAS/POOL VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., has been a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election.

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