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Husband’s surprise offspring upends marriage

- ASK AMY By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­ Twitter@askingamy Copyright 2021 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Amy: My good friend just found out that her husband has a grown child he’s never known about.

This person was born many years before my friend and her husband even knew each other. He was not in a relationsh­ip with the mother of this child.

My friend has always been proud of her longterm marriage and their great kids, who are all doing well.

Now she believes the reality of her “perfect” family has been shattered. She can’t seem to believe the man she thought she knew could have been so sexually casual.

I have stepchildr­en that I enjoy, and I’d like to convince her that this is not the end of the world.

I guess I’m looking for some insight as to why this is such a big deal for her and if there is anything I can do to help her.

— Worried Friend

Dear Worried: As much as any of us might understand that — in theory — previously unknown relatives might surface at any time, when it comes to family relationsh­ips, the understand­ing of theory and the acceptance of reality are two distinct and different experience­s.

Of course your friend is thrown off! Anyone would be, but if she truly believes that this makes her own wonderful life a lie, that’s a deeper problem. As one partner of a successful long-term marriage, she could be encouraged to see this as one more life-challenge to encounter alongside her husband.

Surely they have tackled difficulti­es, losses, reversals, surprises and uncertaint­ies together before this.

Don’t try to “convince” your friend of anything, but do remind her that this situation will actually unspool and evolve gradually. She needs to come to an understand­ing on her own that, put into a larger perspectiv­e, this mainly reveals everyone’s humanity.

Are she and her husband working through this with the help of a counselor?

You should suggest it.

Dear Amy: I’m a father and a grandfathe­r to a 17-yearold grandson. I am his virtual instructor during the pandemic.

I coached children’s sports as my daughter grew up, and I’m currently a 27-year certified basketball official.

I say all of this to let you know I have a real love for children and want to always be a positive presence in their lives.

I walk each morning through my neighborho­od.

My walk takes me past an elementary school, as children and their parents are walking to and from the school. I greet each person I pass with a simple, “Morning,” and continue my walk.

Some children are accompanie­d by their parents, others are not. I don’t stop or slow down — I merely smile and greet people as I walk by.

I give each child a wide berth to make sure they don’t feel threatened. Also, as a lifelong musician, whenever I see a child carrying a musical instrument, I make a simple remark such as, “Glad to see a fellow musician.”

I wonder: Should I continue to speak to children without their parents present? In today’s climate, one never knows if a child, or parent, would feel threatened by a single man. I would absolutely hate to scare a child. Any advice for a grandfathe­r?

— Father and PawPaw

Dear PawPaw: Yes, please continue to greet children, whether or not they are with an adult.

I don’t think it’s appropriat­e to attempt to engage kids in extended conversati­ons (since you’re a stranger), but you get to be the “Hello guy” on your morning route, and that’s a beautiful thing.

Dear Readers: I recently ran a response from a reader named “Common Sense,” who stated that people who have had COVID-19 cannot become reinfected with the virus.

While I challenged this statement, saying “the jury is still out regarding how well — and how long — antibodies offer protection,” many readers urged me to always point toward the science.

I completely agree! The CDC offers timely and frequently updated research and recommenda­tions, which can outpace my publicatio­n schedule (

I hope that one day, if I repeat it often enough, readers such as “Common Sense” will exercise some common sense and follow the science.

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