Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Feds ramp up pressure over relief funds for Florida schools


TALLAHASSE­E — The U.S. Department of Education is ratcheting up pressure on Florida to submit a plan for how it intends to use the latest round of federal COVID-19 relief funding for schools.

Florida is now the only state or U.S. territory that hasn’t submitted a plan for spending American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds.

Until the state Department of Education submits a plan, which was due on June 7, the federal government will continue to withhold one-third of the state’s allocation.

The federal agency said in a letter Monday to state Education Commission­er Richard

Corcoran that a third of the state’s allocation amounts to about $2.3 billion.

“FDOE’s (the Florida Department of Education’s) delay raises significan­t concerns because of the unnecessar­y uncertaint­y it is creating for school districts across the state and because it is hindering their ability to confidentl­y plan for how to use these funds to address the needs of students,” wrote Ian Rosenblum, a deputy assistant secretary for policy and programs at the federal agency.

The federal government released the initial two-thirds of each state’s allocation in March.

Under federal guidelines, the state education department is given control over 10% of the funding for Florida,

with the remaining 90% intended to go directly to school districts.

In his letter Monday, Rosenblum said Florida’s education department has drawn down $177 million in American Rescue Plan money earmarked for schools “for use at the state level.”

However, Rosenblum said the federal government has “heard repeatedly from parents, teachers, and superinten­dents from school districts in Florida that FDOE has not yet awarded” disburseme­nts from money already received under the American Rescue Plan. The state Department of Education didn’t immediatel­y answer an email from The News Service of Florida requesting comment Monday.

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