Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

On Very Serious People, climate and children

- Paul Krugman Krugman is a columnist for The New York Times.

Do you remember the days of the Simpson-Bowles debt-reduction plan? A decade ago elite opinion was obsessed with the supposed need for immediate action on budget deficits. This consensus among what I used to call Very Serious People was so strong that as Ezra Klein, now a Times opinion writer, wrote, deficits somehow became an issue to which “the rules of reportoria­l neutrality don’t apply.” The news media more or less openly rooted not just for deficit reduction in general, but in particular for “entitlemen­t reform,” aka cuts in future Medicare and Social Security benefits. Such cuts, everyone who mattered seemed to argue, were essential to secure the nation’s future.

They weren’t. But here’s my question: If elite opinion cares so much about the future, why isn’t there any comparable consensus now about the need for climate action and spending on children? These are two of the main components of President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, and the case for both is much stronger than the case for entitlemen­t cuts ever was.

Yet whereas calling for Social Security cuts used to be treated as a political badge of seriousnes­s, calling for urgent action on climate and children isn’t. If anything, much reporting on current politics seems to suggest that the handful of Democrats trying to dismantle Build Back Better, to limit the Biden agenda to modest spending on convention­al infrastruc­ture, are being responsibl­e, while the progressiv­es trying to make sure that we really do invest in the nation’s future are somehow unserious.

Let’s talk about what securing the future really means.

The logic of demands for entitlemen­t reform was always suspect. It’s true that an aging population and rising health care costs may eventually force us to choose between tax hikes and benefits cuts. But why was it urgent to take action in, say, 2010? What would be lost by waiting a few years? If you thought about it, the elite consensus was that we needed to cut future benefits in order to avoid … future cuts in benefits. Huh?

By contrast, the cost of delaying action on climate and children is real and immense.

On climate: Every year that the world fails to limit greenhouse gas emissions, humanity emits about 35 billion tons of carbon dioxide — and these emissions will stay in the atmosphere, warming the planet, for hundreds of years.

We’ve already seen the costs imposed by the leading edge of climate change — severe droughts, a proliferat­ion of extreme weather events. The overwhelmi­ng scientific consensus is that such costs will get far worse in the decades ahead. So by postponing climate action, we are underminin­g our future in a much more substantia­l way than we do by, say, adding a few percent to the national debt.

On children: Child poverty is a huge problem in America. And there’s overwhelmi­ng evidence that spending on programs that alleviate child poverty has huge payoffs: Children who receive aid from these programs grow up to be healthier adults, with higher earnings, than those who don’t. In fact, the evidence for high returns from spending more on children is much stronger than the evidence for high returns to spending on roads and bridges (although we should do that too).

So every year that we don’t increase aid to children leads to decades of wasted human potential.

But elite opinion — and much reporting — somehow fails to highlight the extreme irresponsi­bility of opposing clean energy plans and the immense waste of human potential that comes from failing to address child poverty. Instead it’s all “$3.5 trillion! $3.5 trillion!” — often without pointing out that this is proposed spending over a decade, not a single year.

Money is surely part of the story: Corporate groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce were all in on entitlemen­t reform but are lobbying furiously against Build Back Better. Indeed, the Democrats trying to scuttle Biden’s agenda are more accurately described as the party’s corporate wing than as “centrists.” After all, polls suggest that the policies they oppose are highly popular, so in that sense they’re well to the right of the political center.

But not everyone defining convention­al wisdom is on the take. There also seems to be a sort of social dynamic in politics and the media that treats people who want to make the lives of ordinary Americans harder as courageous, while considerin­g those who want to raise taxes on corporatio­ns and the rich flaky and unrealisti­c.

Whatever the reasons for this dynamic, it needs to be fought. We have an opportunit­y to really do the right thing. It will be a tragedy if this opportunit­y is missed.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP ?? Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., who is vital to the fate of the Build Back Better agenda, departs the Senate before a meeting last month at the White House.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., who is vital to the fate of the Build Back Better agenda, departs the Senate before a meeting last month at the White House.
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