Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

McCarthy railed, fails to derail vote

8-hour long speech stalled but couldn’t stop Dems’ big bill

- By Jonathan Weisman and Jenny Gross

WASHINGTON — Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, the House Republican leader, took to the House floor at 8:38 p.m. Thursday, determined to make history, even if he had no hope of derailing the Democrats’ roughly $2 trillion bill to strengthen the social safety net and combat climate change.

Eight hours and 32 minutes later, he stopped talking, with a few groggy Republican­s remaining to applaud his performanc­e. The stunt did nothing to break Democrats’ resolve to pass the legislatio­n, but it did set a record for the longest continuous House speech in modern history, surpassing one that Speaker Nancy Pelosi set in 2018, when she was serving in McCarthy’s current post of minority leader. For McCarthy, it may also have bolstered his campaign to take over Pelosi’s job, becoming the next speaker if Republican­s seize control in next year’s midterm elections.

“Personally, I didn’t think I could go this long,” McCarthy said toward the end of his exhausting, meandering and at times nonsensica­l monologue as some of the people behind him struggled to keep their eyes open. Finally, after 5 a.m., he finished. “With that, Madam Speaker, I yield back,” he said.

Pelosi had left hours before.

McCarthy did stave off a planned Thursday vote as he railed against President Joe Biden and his agenda. But the California­n was thought to have had another goal: secure the respect — and possibly the support — of his party’s restive conservati­ves, who have been told repeatedly

by their leader, former President Donald Trump, that other Republican leaders have not fought Democrats hard enough. Hours after concluding his speech, Republican­s fist-bumped him and clapped him on the back as he arrived on the House floor for votes.

“You galvanize people, right? You catch people’s attention, and you demonstrat­e to them that we’re resolved to fight,” said Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, who is known for forcing procedural delays. He added, “Look, I want the leader to fight, and that was good. Go fight. Let’s fight more. Let’s throw everything we’ve got at this nonsense.”

Democrats said all he accomplish­ed was ensuring that House passage of one of the most consequent­ial domestic policy bills in a half-century would happen in broad daylight.

“I thought McCarthy was addressing issues he has in his own caucus,” said Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., chair of the Ways and Means Committee. He argued that the “far-reaching, successful implicatio­ns” of the legislatio­n would far outweigh the speech.

The debate over the bill had been scheduled to last 20 minutes before McCarthy — who is not known for his soaring oratory — took over to deliver a circuitous, rambling speech stuffed with Republican talking points against the legislatio­n and punctuated with riffs about history. He skittered through President Ronald Reagan’s missile defense initiative; his personal friendship with Tesla’s co-founder, Elon Musk; and, at one point, a lengthy disquisiti­on on the famous painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware

River on his way to the Battle of Trenton.

The whole speech felt like a circular loop, touching on the same issues over and over. When Pelosi gave up on a vote and dismissed Democrats after midnight, McCarthy said his opponents might be leaving, but he would not.

“I know some of you are mad at me, think I spoke too long,” he said. “But I’ve had enough. America has had enough.”

Rep. Madison Cawthorn, a hard-line Republican from North Carolina, sat behind him, stuffing his lip with chewing tobacco and spitting in a cup. McCarthy sustained himself with peppermint candies, unwrapped one by one by aides.

In the end, it did not even win over all the Republican­s on his right flank that he might need to secure the speakershi­p. On Steve

Bannon’s radio show, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., blamed Republican leaders and party moderates for passage of the social policy bill, because, he said, they helped pass the infrastruc­ture bill earlier this month that was linked to it.

“While we heard Leader McCarthy speak for a great duration of time, it was like a really long death rattle,” Gaetz said. “The outcome was already determined as a consequenc­e of poor leadership and poor strategy.”

WhiletheHo­usehasno equivalent to the Senate filibuster, McCarthy used the so-called “magic minute,” a House custom that allows leaders to talk for as long as they want when they are recognized for their one minute of floor time. Pelosi used the tactic when she was minority leader in 2018 to speak for just over eight hours about the young immigrants known as “Dreamers.”

The speech by Pelosi was thought at the time to have set the record for the longest continuous speech in the chamber, dating to at least 1909.

“It is a feat of epic proportion­s to speak for four hours straight and not produce a single memorable phrase, original insight or even a joke,” Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., wrote on Twitter. “McCarthy thinks he is a wit but so far he has proved he is only half right.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who attempted to interject twice during McCarthy’s speech, said the Republican leader had been “auditionin­g for his base.”

“I think he wanted to say he did it longer than Nancy Pelosi,” Ocasio-Cortez said Friday. “But if he wanted to outdo her, he should’ve done it in stilettos.”

 ?? HOUSE TELEVISION ?? Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., speaks on the House floor on Thursday in Washington.
HOUSE TELEVISION Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., speaks on the House floor on Thursday in Washington.

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