Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

For Type 1 diabetes, a cure for 1

Clinical trial seems to have helped man, raising hope for all

- By Gina Kolata

Brian Shelton’s life was ruled by Type 1 diabetes.

When his blood sugar plummeted, he would lose consciousn­ess without warning. He crashed his motorcycle into a wall. He passed out in a customer’s yard while delivering mail. Following that episode, his supervisor told him to retire, after a quarter-century in the Postal Service. He was 57.

His ex-wife, Cindy Shelton, took him into her home in Elyria, Ohio. “I was afraid to leave him alone all day,” she said.

Early this year, she spotted a call for people with Type 1 diabetes to participat­e in a clinical trial by Vertex Pharmaceut­icals. The company was testing a treatment developed over decades by a scientist who vowed to find a cure after his baby son and then his teenage daughter got the devastatin­g disease.

Brian Shelton was the first patient. On June 29, he got an infusion of cells, grown from stem cells but just like the insulin-producing pancreas cells his body lacked.

Now his body automatica­lly controls its insulin and blood sugar levels.

Shelton, now 64, may be the first person cured of the disease with a new treatment that has experts daring to hope that help may be coming for many of the 1.5 million Americans suffering from Type 1 diabetes.

“It’s a whole new life,” Shelton said. “It’s like a miracle.”

Diabetes experts were astonished but urged caution. The study is continuing and will take five years, involving 17 people with severe cases of Type 1 diabetes. It is not intended

as a treatment for the more common Type 2 diabetes.

“We’ve been looking for something like this to happen literally for decades,” said Dr. Irl Hirsch, a diabetes expert at the University of Washington who was not involved in the research. He wants to see the result, not yet published in a peer-reviewed journal, replicated in many more people. He also wants to know if there will be unanticipa­ted adverse effects and if the cells will last for a lifetime or if the treatment would have to be repeated.

But, he said, “bottom line, it is an amazing result.”

And it all started with the 30-year quest of a Harvard University biologist, Doug Melton.

Melton had never thought much about diabetes until 1991 when his 6-month-old baby boy, Sam, began shaking, vomiting and panting.

“He was so sick, and the pediatrici­an didn’t know

what it was,” Melton said. He and his wife Gail O’Keefe rushed their baby to Boston Children’s Hospital. Sam’s urine was brimming with sugar — a sign of diabetes.

The disease, which occurs when the body’s immune system destroys the insulin-secreting islet cells of the pancreas, often starts around age 13 or 14. Unlike the more common and milder Type 2 diabetes, Type 1 is quickly lethal unless patients get injections of insulin. No one spontaneou­sly gets better.

The only cure that has ever worked is a pancreas transplant or a transplant of the insulin-producing cell clusters of the pancreas, known as islet cells, from an organ donor’s pancreas. But a shortage of organs makes such an approach an impossibil­ity for the vast majority with the disease.

“Gail said to me, ‘If I’m doing this you have to figure out this damn disease,”

Melton recalled. In time, their daughter Emma, four years older than Sam, would develop the disease too, when she was 14.

Melton had been studying frog developmen­t but abandoned that work, determined to find a cure for diabetes. He turned to embryonic stem cells, which have the potential to become any cell in the body. His goal was to turn them into islet cells to treat patients.

It was slow going. After years when nothing worked, a small team of researcher­s, including Felicia Pagliuca, a postdoctor­al researcher, was in the lab one night in 2014, doing one more experiment.

“We weren’t very optimistic,” she said. They had put a dye into the liquid where the stem cells were growing. The liquid would turn blue if the cells made insulin.

Her husband had already called, asking when was she coming home. Then she saw

a faint blue tinge that got darker and darker. She and the others were ecstatic. For the first time, they had made functionin­g pancreatic islet cells from embryonic stem cells.

The next step for Melton, knowing he’d need more resources to make a drug that could get to market, was starting a company.

His company Semma was founded in 2014, a mix of Sam and Emma’s names.

One challenge was to figure out how to grow islet cells in large quantities with a method others could repeat. That took five years.

The company, led by Bastiano Sanna, a cell and gene therapy expert, tested its cells in mice and rats, showing they functioned well and cured diabetes in rodents.

At that point, the next step — a clinical trial in patients — needed a large, well financed and experience­d company with hundreds of employees. Everything had to be done to the exacting standards of the Food and Drug Administra­tion — thousands of pages of documents prepared, and clinical trials planned.

Chance intervened. In April 2019, at a meeting at Massachuse­tts General Hospital, Melton ran into a former colleague, Dr. David Altshuler, who had been a professor of genetics and medicine at Harvard and the deputy director of the Broad Institute. Over lunch, Altshuler, who had become the chief scientific officer at Vertex Pharmaceut­icals, asked Melton what was new.

Melton took out a small glass vial with a bright purple pellet at the bottom.

“These are islet cells that we made at Semma,” he told Altshuler.

Vertex focuses on human diseases whose biology is understood. “I think there might be an opportunit­y,” Altshuler told him.

Meetings followed and eight weeks later, Vertex acquired Semma for $950 million. With the acquisitio­n, Sanna became an executive vice president at Vertex.

Less than two years after Semma was acquired, the FDA allowed Vertex to begin a clinical trial with Shelton as its initial patient.

Like patients who get pancreas transplant­s, Shelton has to take drugs that suppress his immune system. He says they cause him no side effects, and he finds them far less onerous or risky than constantly monitoring his blood sugar and taking insulin. .

For Shelton the moment of truth came a few days after the procedure, when he left the hospital. He measured his blood sugar. It was perfect. He and Cindy Shelton had a meal. His blood sugar remained in the normal range.

Brian Shelton wept when he saw the measuremen­t.

“The only thing I can say is ‘thank you.’ ”

 ?? AMBER N. FORD/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Brian Shelton may be the first person cured of Type 1 diabetes. A new treatment using stem cells that produce insulin has surprised experts and given them hope for the 1.5 million Americans with the disease.
AMBER N. FORD/THE NEW YORK TIMES Brian Shelton may be the first person cured of Type 1 diabetes. A new treatment using stem cells that produce insulin has surprised experts and given them hope for the 1.5 million Americans with the disease.

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