Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Poll: Rubio leads Demings in Senate race

Survey shows 55% disapprove of Biden in Florida

- By Steven Lemongello

Republican Marco Rubio has a 7-point lead over Democratic challenger Val Demings, according to a poll released Wednesday.

The Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy survey also shows President Biden with a 55% disapprova­l rating in Florida and 40% approval.

U.S. Sen. Rubio had a 49% to 42% advantage over U.S. Rep. Demings, D-Orlando, according to the poll, with 9% undecided.

Demings trailed Rubio in every region except heavily Democratic Southeast Florida.

Still, said pollster Brad Coker in his analysis, “an incumbent running below 50% often leaves the door open for a challenger to significan­tly tighten a race under the right circumstan­ces.”

Coker wrote that voters seem to be dug in along party lines.

“The key for Demings to pull off an upset will be the ability to attract more unaffiliat­ed voters,” Coker wrote.

Currently, independen­ts are backing Rubio by 10 points, 47% to 37%.

Rubio also had a 27-point recognitio­n advantage, with 95% of voters saying they’re familiar with him compared to 68% familiar with Demings.

That gap, Coker wrote,

“will naturally shrink by the later stages of the race.

As that gap closes, independen­t voters must swing to Demings. As the campaign progresses, that will be the trend to watch for. Absent that shift, Rubio will be re-elected.”

Demings also has to hope for Biden’s approval numbers to get better,

Coker wrote.

“Biden’s low job rating with Florida voters — particular­ly his weak showing among independen­ts — is likely going to have a larger impact,” he wrote.

Among independen­ts, 33% approve of Biden while 61% disapprove.

“It will be difficult for her to make the necessary gains among those who are unaffiliat­ed as long as they remain hostile to the president,” Coker wrote.

The poll was of 625 registered Florida voters between Feb. 7 and 10. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

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