Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Pedestrian deaths jump in pandemic

Nationwide flare-up of reckless driving behind grim trend

- By Simon Romero

ALBUQUERQU­E, N.M. — After a festive evening spent viewing a display of holiday lights, Aditya Bhattachar­ya and his family were crossing a street to head home.

Then a driver blew past a red light, slamming into him and his 7-year-old son, Pronoy.

“I took one step, that’s the last thing I remember,” said Bhattachar­ya, 45. “When I regained consciousn­ess, all I could hear was my wife sitting on the sidewalk, screaming, ‘Pronoy’s dead.’ ”

The boy’s death at a crosswalk in December, and the seven-week manhunt to find the driver, jolted many people in this part of the West to the grim count of pedestrian deaths, which began surging in New Mexico and other states in 2020.

Two years into the pandemic, such fatalities are soaring into record territory amid a nationwide flare-up in reckless driving.

In various initiative­s to reverse the trends, authoritie­s in one state after another are citing factors from the rise in anxiety levels and pandemic drinking to the fraying of social norms.

Last year, New Mexico recorded 99 pedestrian deaths, up from 81 in 2020, and the most since it began tracking such incidents in the 1990s. But while Sun Belt states have been hit particular­ly hard, the pedestrian death toll spiked last year in many parts of the country.

New Jersey had its highest number of pedestrian fatalities in more than 30 years. Last year was also the deadliest on Utah’s roads since the start of the century, as pedestrian deaths rose 22%. Washington state ended 2021 with a 15-year high in traffic fatalities.

Going into the pandemic, some traffic specialist­s were optimistic that pedestrian deaths would decline. After all, millions of motorists were slashing their driving time and hewing to social distancing measures. The opposite happened. Empty roads allowed some to drive much faster than before. Some police chiefs eased enforcemen­t, wary of face-to-face contact. For reasons that psychologi­sts and transit safety experts are just beginning to explain, drivers also seemed to get angrier.

Dr. David Spiegel, director of Stanford Medical School’s Center on Stress and Health, said many drivers were grappling with what he calls “salience saturation.”

“We’re so saturated with fears about the virus and what it’s going to do,” Spiegel said. “People feel that they get a pass on other threats.”

Spiegel said another factor was “social disengagem­ent,” which deprives

people of social contact, a major source of pleasure, support and comfort. Combine that loss with overloadin­g our capacity to gauge risks, Spiegel said, and people are not paying as much attention to driving safely.

“If they do, they don’t care about it that much,” Spiegel said. “There’s the feeling that the rules are suspended and all bets are off.”

Crashes killed more than 6,700 pedestrian­s in 2020, up about 5% from the estimated 6,412 the year before, according to the Governors Highway Safety Associatio­n.

Based on another commonly used road safety metric — vehicle miles traveled — the group projected that the pedestrian fatality rate spiked about 21% in 2020 as deaths climbed sharply even though people drove much less that year, the largest ever year-overyear increase. And preliminar­y data from 2021 indicates another increase in the number of pedestrian


While other developed countries have made strides in reducing pedestrian deaths over the last several years, the pandemic has intensifie­d several trends that have pushed the United States in the other direction. Crashes killing pedestrian­s climbed 46% over the last decade, compared with a 5% increase for all other crashes, according to the Governors Highway Safety Associatio­n.

Angie Schmitt, who describes pedestrian deaths as a “silent epidemic” in a new book, said the reasons included an aging population, in which older pedestrian­s are more vulnerable, and the growth of the Sun Belt region, where cities were designed after World War II to prioritize speed over safety. And ballooning sizes of SUVs and trucks, which have grown heavier with higher front ends, strike people on foot with greater force than before.

Others warn that since

new vehicles have grown larger and safer for the people inside them, with features like lane-departure warnings and rearview cameras, some drivers are emboldened to dismiss the risks to pedestrian­s.

“There’s a portion of the population that is incredibly frustrated, enraged, and some of that behavior shows up in their driving,” said Mark Hallenbeck, director of the Washington State Transporta­tion Center at the University of Washington. “We in our vehicles are given anonymity in this giant metal box around us, and we act out in ways that we wouldn’t face to face.”

The streets of Albuquerqu­e, where Pronoy Bhattachar­ya was killed in the hit-and-run, showcase the challenges that pedestrian­s face.

Around the sprawling metro area, home to almost 1 million people, drivers routinely run red lights or speed past stop signs.

Despite such behavior, residents say they can go years without seeing drivers pulled over for violations of any kind.

After the boy’s death, readers flooded The Albuquerqu­e Journal with emails assailing local authoritie­s after having witnessed lawless driving on a daily basis.

Across the country, overall traffic fatalities — not just crashes killing pedestrian­s — are also rising at a record pace.

Nearly 32,000 people were killed in vehicle crashes in the first nine months of 2021, a 12% increase from the same period in 2020, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administra­tion. It was the highest number of fatalities during the first nine months of any year since 2006 and the highest percentage increase during the first nine months in the reporting system’s history.

In the crash that killed Pronoy, the driver was at the helm of an all-terrain vehicle. Such vehicles are illegal on Albuquerqu­e streets but are still commonly seen around the city.

Video footage showed the driver drinking at a bar before the crash.

Pronoy’s mother, Dr. Deepshikha Nag Chowdhury, a gastroente­rologist at an Albuquerqu­e hospital, pleaded with authoritie­s to find the driver in the weeks that followed. After fleeing the scene and going into hiding, the driver surrendere­d to U.S. Marshals on Jan. 31.

Bhattachar­ya, who immigrated to the U.S. from India two decades ago, suffered a facial fracture in addition to losing his son.

He said the crash also shattered some of his views.

“It’s ironic that I told so many friends how crossing the street was so safe in the United States compared with India,” said Bhattachar­ya, who works in informatio­n technology. “I always thought we’d be safer here.”

 ?? ADRIA MALCOLM/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Dr. Deepshikha Nag Chowdhury and one of her sons at their home in Albuquerqu­e. A driver ran a stop sign in December and killed her 7-year-old son, Pronoy. The driver fled and surrendere­d to U.S. Marshals on Jan. 31.
ADRIA MALCOLM/THE NEW YORK TIMES Dr. Deepshikha Nag Chowdhury and one of her sons at their home in Albuquerqu­e. A driver ran a stop sign in December and killed her 7-year-old son, Pronoy. The driver fled and surrendere­d to U.S. Marshals on Jan. 31.

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