Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Russia has now threatened Moldova. Is NATO nations’ border strip next target?

- By Matthew Becker

On April 22, Gen. Rustam Minnekayev, of Russia’s Central Military District, stated that the “second phase” of the war is to expand beyond the Donbas and create a land bridge to Transnistr­ia, which is a breakaway region of Moldova that shares a land border with Ukraine. Specifical­ly, Minnekayev said that “control over the south of Ukraine is another way out to Transnistr­ia, where there is oppression of the Russian-speaking population.”

An attempt to legitimize control of occupied territorie­s in Ukraine is to have referendum­s on independen­ce in these oblasts, of which the outcomes are already known. Transnistr­ia has been de facto independen­t from Moldova since 1992 and is willing to be absorbed; Russian “peacekeepe­rs” have also been present there since the Transnistr­ian War ended with a cease-fire. On April 25-26, a radio tower and the building of the Transnistr­ian Ministry of State Security were attacked with grenades — false-flag attacks designed in an attempt to draw Transnistr­ia and Moldova into renewed conflict. Overall, this points toward more brutal fighting ahead.

It is my belief that Russia will not stop at Transnistr­ia if Moscow is successful and the Western world loses interest in Ukraine as the war drags on.

The potential “third phase” would be a drive to connect the Russian exclave of Kaliningra­d Oblast, which borders NATO members Poland and Lithuania. This action would entail the Russian military seizing the Suwalki Gap, which is the border between Poland and Lithuania — with Kaliningra­d Oblast and Belarus on the two endpoints.

The Suwalki Gap is a mere 65 miles end-to-end. Those 65 miles between the exclave and Belarus (which Moscow is using as a staging area for its invasion of Ukraine) is NATO territory.

On April 25, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated after a visit to Kyiv that the U.S. goal in Ukraine is to “see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.” For me, this statement is a tacit recognitio­n that we are in a proxy war in the defense of the Baltic states and Poland.

We must therefore provide everything the Ukrainians ask for — including tanks, additional heavy artillery and fighter aircraft. If we do not, we truly do risk a wider European war — specifical­ly an attack on two NATO member-states, plus drawing in nonmember Moldova.

As part of the defense of the Suwalki Gap, we must also heed the calls of Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, who has advocated for the U.S. to establish a permanent military base in her country. Estonia shares a land border with Russia and has a minority Russian-speaking population that may need “liberation” if Russia is not expelled from Ukraine.

Contact your representa­tives in Congress to express your continued support to arm Ukraine as well as support of our Eastern flank NATO allies. Let’s provide the Ukrainians with the tools they need to defend the free world and expel Russia.

Let’s defend NATO and democracy by defending Ukraine — otherwise, the Suwalki Gap will trigger Article V of the North Atlantic Treaty, which treats an attack on any NATO member as an attack on all.

Matthew Becker teaches politics and security issues in Eastern Europe at the University of Mississipp­i. He has a doctorate in political science from Ole Miss, a master’s in internatio­nal affairs from Florida State University and has visited Moldova and Transnistr­ia. The views expressed are his own and do not reflect those of the university. He may be reached at MatthewBec­

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