Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

In Australia, an echo of Biden’s win

Albanese, a political lifer, also offers shift from conservati­sm

- By Damien Cave

SYDNEY, Australia — The incumbent prime minister, Scott Morrison, pushed Australia to the right and called himself “a bit of a bulldozer.” His Labor challenger, Anthony Albanese, ran as a modest Mr. Fix-It, promising to seek “renewal, not revolution.”

In the end, moderation triumphed. Albanese won Saturday’s election with a campaign that was gaffeprone and light on policy but promised a more decent form of politics, delivering a stark rejection of Morrison after nearly a decade of conservati­ve leadership.

It was a combinatio­n that carried powerful echoes of President Joe Biden’s victory 18 months ago. Albanese and Biden are political lifers, working-class battlers with decades of experience in government and reputation­s for pragmatic compromise.

But they also both face the problem of how they won. Disgust with an incumbent put them into office. Governing and staying in power require rallying enthusiasm from a fickle public.

“It’s a question of whether he can be a galvanizin­g leader,” said Paul Strangio, a politics professor at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. “Whether he can learn on the job.”

In a reflection of Australia’s broader mood of discontent, voters did not just grant Labor a clear victory. They delivered a larger share of their support to minor parties and independen­ts who ran against the political status quo, with a surge of grassroots enthusiasm for candidates demanding more action on climate change and greater accountabi­lity in government.

“What this says is that community can make a difference,” Zoe Daniel, an independen­t and former journalist who won in Melbourne’s bayside suburbs, said at a victory party Saturday night. “Climate, integrity, equality. We now have a chance to actually make a difference.”

In addition to the victories by independen­ts, minor parties — from the Greens on the left to the United Australia Party on the right — also made gains, delivering what analysts described as a “tipping point” in a country that has been gradually shifting moving away from major party dominance.

“Voters have sent the major parties the message that their support can’t be guaranteed,” said Jill Sheppard, a politics professor at the Australian National University.

For Albanese, who has spent his entire career in Labor Party politics, including 23 years in Parliament, this sea change presents an unexpected challenge.

Contrastin­g his approach with the pugnacious style of Morrison — who led a government that passed little memorable legislatio­n but successful­ly managed the early months of the pandemic — Albanese ran a “small target” campaign.

He proposed incrementa­l reforms, including a promise to increase the minimum wage and provide more support for health care, nursing homes and child care. Mostly, though, he focused on altering the tone and style of leadership.

“I want to change politics,” he said after voting Saturday in the Sydney neighborho­od where he grew up. “I want to change the way it operates.”

Without a grand, well-defined vision sold to the electorate, some analysts said it would be more difficult for Albanese to make rapid progress on his agenda.

“It doesn’t make it impossible, but government­s need momentum,” said Tim Soutphomma­sane, a politics professor at the University of Sydney.

Some of the issues voters want addressed are unsurprisi­ng. The cost of living is rising. Businesses are struggling with labor shortages and wondering when the usual flows of skilled migrant workers will return. The pandemic has revealed gaps in health care and nursing homes.

Bigger questions — about how to bring light to a political system awash in dark money; how to build a less racist, more equal society; or how to counter a more ambitious and belligeren­t China — were largely sidesteppe­d by Labor and its opponents in the campaign.

“It’s been a very mundane election campaign, but that doesn’t deny the fact that there is still a global pandemic and a war and shifting global power dynamics in the IndoPacifi­c,” said Sheppard.

Albanese, 59, arrives with a reputation for building consensus and for nodding toward colleagues in his Cabinet on issues in which they have greater expertise. During the campaign, Penny Wong, who will serve as foreign minister, announced Labor’s plans to expand aid and diplomatic ties to Southeast Asia in an effort to counter Chinese influence.

As if he could sense the need for a bolder policy statement, Albanese opened his acceptance speech Saturday night with a promise to support the Uluru Statement From the Heart, a call from Indigenous Australian­s to establish a formal role for Australia’s First Nations people in the Constituti­on. It was issued in 2017 — and rejected by the conservati­ve coalition.

Albanese also pledged to make equal opportunit­y for women a national priority, to end Australia’s “climate wars,” which have held back pledges for emissions cuts, and to make the country a renewable energy superpower.

Recognizin­g increased concern about integrity in government and oversight of public spending, Albanese also promised to quickly pass legislatio­n to create a federal anti-corruption commission, following through on an unfulfille­d promise from Morrison in the last election.

Albanese now has to persuade a more fractured and more demanding country to believe in him and stick with him at a time when it is cautiously emerging from two years of COVID-19 isolation, with a surge of coronaviru­s cases, rising inflation and growing government debt all fueling anxiety.

At the same time, China’s ambitions have become more threatenin­g, with a new security agreement in the Solomon Islands. And the raging bush fires of 2020 have given way to extreme flooding — a relentless reminder of the country’s vulnerabil­ity to climate change, even as it remains the world’s largest exporter of coal.

The challenges are colossal. And many analysts note that Albanese lacks the charisma of prior Labor leaders who won elections and moved the country in a new direction.

“It usually takes excitement and a bit of dazzle in a Labor leader to change the government,” said James Curran, a historian at the University of Sydney. “Albanese upsets that historic apple cart.”

 ?? RICK RYCROFT/AP ?? Anthony Albanese, seen Saturday, is the prime minister-elect of Australia after Scott Morrison conceded.
RICK RYCROFT/AP Anthony Albanese, seen Saturday, is the prime minister-elect of Australia after Scott Morrison conceded.

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