Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

When it comes to starting a statin, it’s not all in the numbers

- Dr. Keith Roach Submit letters to ToYour GoodHealth@med.cornell. edu or to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I have a question for your column. What is the number of LDL cholestero­l that would necessitat­e taking statins? I am an active 51-year-old female and weigh 126 pounds at 5 feet, 2 inches tall. I eat a healthy diet and avoid trans fat. My total cholestero­l is 260, LDL is 173 and HDL is 67. I have had high LDL since I was a teenager. My blood pressure is 123⁄77. My general practition­er prescribed a low-dose statin (Crestor 5 mg). My cardiologi­st said that statins will lower my cholestero­l but that it does not ensure I will be protected from a heart attack or stroke.

I do not want to take the statin. I have two close relatives who took statins. One suffered from Parkinson’s without a family history of the disease. Another developed diabetes and had a heart attack at 66.

I am on no other medication, and my blood pressure is good. Do you agree with my doctor? How risky is it if I don’t take the statin? — M.I.C.

Dear M.I.C.: Statin drugs like rosuvastat­in (Crestor) certainly do lower cholestero­l, and they do reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Most experts believe that statins exert benefit both through reduction of LDL cholestero­l and through other pathways, not yet precisely identified. However, like all medication­s, they have a risk of side effects.

Diabetes has been shown to develop more quickly in a person taking a statin drug if they are predispose­d to getting diabetes. However, there is no clear associatio­n between Parkinson’s disease and statin use — in fact, some studies have shown a decreased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease among statin users.

The benefit of a statin depends on how high the underlying risk is for the person. Although your LDL and total cholestero­l numbers are high, you are a 51-year-old woman, with a good blood pressure and a high HDL, so your risk of a heart attack, stroke or death from cardiovasc­ular disease is only 1.4% in the next 10 years. I suspect your doctor saw your high LDL number and got nervous. But given your whole picture, the benefit of a statin at this time for you is negligible. So even a small risk of side effects isn’t worth it.

There isn’t a single LDL number that makes a statin necessary. But very high LDL numbers require a different conversati­on. The decision depends on how much a person wants to avoid a heart attack and how much they want to avoid taking medication­s. While there is no magic number for 10-year risk that says when a person should take a statin, a 10-year risk of 7.5% is a level that many physicians use to recommend a statin drug for their patients at risk. When risk over 10%, the recommenda­tion should be strong.

Most importantl­y of all, nearly everyone can improve their risk of getting heart disease by improving their lifestyle. Having a healthy body weight and avoiding dietary trans-saturated fat is a good start, but there are many dietary habits that reduce heart disease risk (and many other risks as well). Regular exercise is as important as a healthy diet.

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