Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Many rational objections


One recent letter writer made the common and false complaint about “Trump-hating letters.” For once, I would like a Trump supporter to explain how someone who objects to Trump’s policies, lack of achievemen­ts in office and un-American actions equates to hate.

I objected to Trump’s tax cuts skewed to the wealthy, his racist comments about immigrants and his asinine wall as a solution to complex immigratio­n issues. I objected to his praise of white supremacis­ts and inept response to a global COVID crisis that resulted in unnecessar­y deaths of Americans.

I objected to his thinly veiled calls for violence, rejection of constituti­onal norms and false claims of voter fraud. I objected to his claims of immoral and/or criminal acts by opponents — acts that he himself has committed or been accused of in indictment­s. I objected to his documented immoral, unethical behavior.

How is any of that hate? It’s an articulati­on of rational objections, based on the evidence.

I agree we need a strong president, but not one willing to praise or emulate dictators who oppress citizens, the free press and political opponents.

Joe Biden has strengthen­ed our standing in the world by reaffirmin­g our commitment­s to the rule of law and our NATO allies and by defending democracie­s around the world against authoritar­ian regimes, not kowtowing to them.

He has proposed tax increases on the 1% and corporatio­ns to reduce the burden on the working class and to address deficits that Trump falsely claimed he would eliminate.

Scot McCluskey, Davie

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