Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Feinstein initiates review of Benghazi talking points

- By Michael A. Memoli

WASHINGTON— Lawmakers on Sunday targeted U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s talking points about the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, Libya, vowing to find out who changed the original language and why.

The attack left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Days after the incident, Rice said the administra­tion’s preliminar­y view was that the attack was a spontaneou­s reaction to an antiIslami­c video, rather than a planned terrorist attack.

But Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., told NBC’s “Meet the Press,” that David Petraeus, then director of the CIA, had “very clearly said that itwas a terrorist attack” in a meeting with lawmakers the day after the incident.

Asked why Rice would not call the Benghazi attack “terrorism,” Feinstein said it was because Petraeus’ view was based on informatio­n that had not been cleared for public review.

“She could speak publicly only on unclassifi­ed speaking points,” said Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee. “I have some concern with those speaking points. … We are going to find out who made changes in the original statement. Until we do, I really think it’s unwarrante­d to make accusation­s.”

Feinstein said she had initiated a review of the talking points.

In testimony to the House and Senate intelligen­ce committees on Friday, Petraeus said he believed almost immediatel­y that the Sept. 11 assault was an organized terrorist attack, according to lawmakers and staff sources. But he said the administra­tion withheld its suspicion to avoid tipping off the terrorist groups.

Petraeus also said some early classified reports appeared to support Rice’s statement that the deadly raid had grown out of a protest that had been hijacked by extremists.

The initial draft of Rice’s talking points called the Benghazi incident an “attack,” which was changed to “demonstrat­ion,” Republican­s said after Petraeus testified, and the phrase “with ties to al-Qaida” was removed.

Ben Rhodes, President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser, told reporters that any substantiv­e changes would have come from intelligen­ce agencies.

The only change the White House and the State Department made, he said, was to correct a reference to the Benghazi site as a “diplomatic facility,” instead of a “consulate.”

Some lawmakers have vowed to prevent Rice from becoming secretary of state should Obama nominate her to replace Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Rice had misled the American people.

“I am very disappoint­ed in Susan Rice … telling a story that was disconnect­ed from reality that did make the president look good at a time when, quite frankly, the narrative should have been challenged, not reinforced that al-Qaida was dismantled,” Graham said on “Meet the Press.”

Sen. John McCain, RAriz., told CBS’ “Face the Nation” that Rice has “a lot of explaining to do.”

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, accused McCain and Graham of hypocrisy.

“Eight years ago when President Bush suggested Condoleezz­a Rice for secretary of state, some people said, ‘Well, wait a minute, wasn’t she part of misleading the American people about intelligen­ce informatio­n that led to our invasion of Iraq?’ And it was Sen. McCain and Sen. Graham who stood up and said, ‘Don’t hold her accountabl­e for the intelligen­ce that was given to her,’ ” Durbin said.

 ?? YURI GRIPAS/REUTERS PHOTO ?? Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., wants to know why public comments differed from intelligen­ce assessment­s.
YURI GRIPAS/REUTERS PHOTO Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., wants to know why public comments differed from intelligen­ce assessment­s.

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