Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Lawmakers say they can cooperate on budget

- By Andy Sullivan

WASHINGTON— Leading lawmakers expressed confidence Sunday that they could reach a deal to avert the “fiscal cliff” even as theylaiddo­wnmarkerso­ntaxesands­pending thatmaymak­e any agreement more difficult.

Republican­s and Democratic leaders have agreed on a framework to reform the tax code and government benefit programs next year, but first need to prevent across-the-board tax increases and spending cuts due to begin in January that could push the economy into recession.

That more than $502 billion toxic combinatio­n, known as the fiscal cliff, is the legacy of failed budget deals. Both sides say they see greater willingnes­s to compromise this time.

“What I hear is a perceptibl­e change in rhetoric from the other side,” Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Senate Democrat, saidonCNN’s “State of theUnion.” “And what it is is an invitation for our side to basically sitdownand­say,‘Whatcanwed­ofor this country?’ ”

Taxes are the biggest hurdle.

President Barack Obamacampa­ignedonapr­omise to raise tax rates on the wealthiest 2 percent of households. He wants to extend lowtax rates for the bottom 98 percent of the population, but said he will not sign a budget deal that keeps lowrates for thewealthi­est in place.

Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in the House ofRepresen­tatives, echoed this view.

“If it’s going to bring in revenue, the president has been very clear that the higherinco­me people have to pay their fair share,” she said onABC’s “ThisWeek.”

Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., said his colleagues recognize the need to generate more tax revenue even as he said any tax-rate increase on thewealthy­would lead to job losses.

Most Republican lawmakers have signed a pledge promising they will not increase tax rates. Instead, they want to generate more revenue through a rewrite of the code that would eliminate exemptions, lower rates and presumably spur the economy.

They also say tax changes must be paired with spending cuts.

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