Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

I’m thankful, but always struggling

- By Edson Jocelyn

Like many of you, I love having family and friends over for Thanksgivi­ng. Turkey with gravy and cranberry sauce. Plenty of mashed potatoes on the side and a good slice of pumpkin pie. Mmmm, happiness can be so easy. Except when you can’t afford dinner.

Thanksgivi­ng, my favorite American holiday, is coming up, but our dinner this year won’t be one of celebratio­n. This month, like so many other airport workers who clean terminals and airplanes, push wheelchair­s, handle baggage and keep Fort Lauderdale Airport safe and secure, I’m about to run out of money. I can barely pay rent, and I definitely can’t afford a turkey formy children.

When you struggle to pay the bills on $4.65 an hour plus tips and no health insurance, finding reasons to be thankful becomes a real challenge. But I say grace, pray formy family, and try to make the best of it.

I’m thankful formy wife and my beautiful children. They are the center ofmy life. I wish I could spend more time with them. But working full time— plus commuting by bus for 4 hours every day— I barely have the chance to play withmy girls or kiss them goodnight.

I’m thankful I don’t get sick a lot, because when I have to stay in bed with a fever, I don’t get paid. When I have a cold, I want to work but sometimes don’t. My job puts me in contact with senior citizens and people who are frail or ill; it wouldn’t be right to expose them. So I stay home sick and lose a day’s pay.

I’m thankful for Medicaid. Our children are finally covered. I say grace.

I’m thankful Iwas able to come to this country looking for a better life. I’m thankful for life, but life needs to change. The airport needs to change. We cannot continue to live this way; I only have time towork and sleep. I’m always tired. And broke.

Today, I’m thankful; I got a ride from a friend. I got home in just 30 minutes. Iwas tired but thankful: Iwas able to play patty cake withmy girls. Sometimes happiness can be so easy. I’m thankful, but I want change. Edson Jocelyn is a passenger assistant at Fort Lauderdale Internatio­nal Airport.

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