Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Close look shows state GOP was just badly out of touch

- Paula Dockery is a term-limited Republican senator from Lakelandwh­o is chroniclin­g her final year in the Florida Senate. She can be reached at pdockery@floridavoi­

Since the election, there has been much soul searching concerning the state of the Republican Party. What is astounding is most of what is being discussed should have been obvious to all prior to the votes being tallied.

And while this post-election introspect­ion has spurred a widespread analysis of the Grand Old Party as being the party of only the grand and the old, we can look to the state of Florida for some valuable lessons.

As a Republican elected official for the past 16 years, I foundmysel­f increasing­ly disagreein­g with the direction of the party. Had I changed orwas the party moving more to the right? Was the party losing touch with women, the middle class and Hispanics?

Let’s look at some of the policy decisions made by a Republican­dominated Florida Legislatur­e and a Republican governor over the past few years.

While criticizin­g government spending, the Legislatur­e found hundreds of millions of dollars to shower on businesses to relocate or expand operations in Florida.

At the same time, the Legislatur­e, with the governor’s approval, cutK-12 education funding by over a billion dollars in 2011and partially restored it in 2012. They also tag teamed to cut higher education funding of our11 state universiti­es by $300 million but thought it the right time to create a 12th university.

Very profitable friends of party leaders made outwell in our tough budget years with corporate subsidies and sweetheart deals— including $1.2 billion for CSX Corp. and hundreds of millions forU.S. Sugar Corp.

While the Legislatur­e declaredwa­r on thewelfare state and those collecting unemployme­nt, its actions also targeted our public employees. During the 2010, 2011and 2012 sessions, billswere introduced to privatize prisons, potentiall­y putting thousands of correction­s officers out ofwork with no proof of any cost savings; to drasticall­y change healthcare and pension benefits for existing state employees; to tie teacher pay to student performanc­e with no regard to the makeup of the classroom and with no funding source to offer merit pay.

Having angered many in the middle class the Legislatur­e turned its attention to our judiciary. First upwas a proposal to add three justices to the Florida Supreme Court, then to split the court into fiveperson criminal and civil divisions. The rationalew­as caseload. After itwas noted the highest court did not have a caseload issue but that lower courts needed funding to address their heavy caseload, legislativ­e talking points quickly shifted to address an activist court thatwas ruling against the Legislatur­e and the governor.

A coalition of Republican­s and Democrats killed that proposal in the Senate but allowed a constituti­onal amendment to appear on the ballot that gave greater power over the courts to the Legislatur­e. That amendmentw­as soundly defeated, along with the Republican Party’s attempt to prevent three Supreme Court justices from being retained.

The Legislatur­e loaded the ballot with11 constituti­onal amendments, hoping to bring out the party faithful with hot-button issues. All but three of the amendments failed. The plan may have backfired with voters motivated to defeat the social agenda items.

Perhaps the most damaging legislativ­e movewas the blatant effort to drasticall­y alter our voting process by limiting early voting and voter registrati­on and by changing our presidenti­al primary election date. Many questioned the motivation of this stealth move. Yet leadership claimed itwas necessary to combat nonexisten­t voter fraud.

Record numbers of new voterswere registered after the courts tossed out that portion of the law; new voters showed up in long lines to defy efforts to limit their voices and Florida, once again, was the last state to declare a winner in the presidenti­al race.

If there is a silver lining for Republican­s, it’s that party leadership is forced to confront what should have been selfeviden­t— that our tentwas getting very small andwewere drasticall­y out of touch with constituen­tswewere elected to represent. A course correction­was badly needed.

 ??  ?? Dockery

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