Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Hundreds call for Israel aid

Speakers urge U.S. backing as Mideast tensions grow

- By Heather Carney Staff writer

BOCA RATON — On the fifth day of escalating tension between Israel and Hamas militants in Gaza, hundreds of South Florida Jews gathered Sunday in solidarity to hear U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert rally support for Israel.

Gohmert, R-Texas, spoke at the Boca Raton Synagogue and was joined by Joseph Sabag, Florida’s Director for the Zionist Organizati­on of America. Together they urged the U.S. and South Florida Jews to support Israel and the right to a Jewish state.

Nearly 700 people packed the emergency security briefing called “Israel

“Israel’s policy must be to strictly protect the lives of citizens by peace through strength.”

Joseph Sabag, Zionist Organizati­on of America

Under fire,” which was swiftly organized in two days.

“Israel’s policy must be to strictly protect the lives of citizens by peace through strength,” said Sabag. “Peace describes the hopeful outcome — it does not describe the means of achieving it.”

Sabag encouraged the audience to advocate for Israel by buying Israeli products, urging Congress to withhold taxpayer funding from organizati­ons that de-legitimize Israel, and by supporting the Jewish Day Schools to educate youth about Israel’s history.

And Gohmert said it’s crucial for the rest of the world, and particular­ly Israel’s enemies, to know that the U.S. and Israel stand by each other.

“I was greatly pleased to see President Obama and his administra­tion stand firmly with Israel,” he said. “But it’s very important that there not be a perception of distance growing between the two.”

Even in South Florida, tension has recently escalated over the conflict. On Saturday, about 150 supporters of Palestinia­ns rallied outside the Federal Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale to protest what they fear is an imminent Israeli invasion of Gaza. A small counterdem­onstration of Israel supporters also showed up.

Attendees at Sunday’s event, like Alvin Wolk of Boca Raton and Leonard Giasi of Fort Lauderdale, said they want to see the U.S. stand behind Israel and ensure its survival. They believe the U.S. should provide monetary support to Israel and take military action against Gaza “if absolutely necessary.”

“Israel has been the punching bag of the world forever,” said Wolk. “Israel is the United States’ closest ally in the Middle East. ... It’s important for the future of the U.S. and for the future existence of Israel.”

Others attending the event said they had family living a daily crisis in Israel with the constant worry of rocket fire.

Sari Halpern of Boca Raton, who lived in Israel for 20 years, fears for her family and friends still living there.

“I want support for my homeland,” she said. “My family, my cousins are scared. They hear the [bomb] sirens go off and they cringe and fear for their safety.”

Halpern’s husband, Mark, said Israel is the only democratic nation in that area of the world and “the U.S. needs to have a voice there.”

Cyril and Helene Rubin of Boca Raton are also concerned for their family living in Israel — their daughter, five grandchild­ren and four greatgrand­children. They see the non-stop violence on television and sometimes they can hear the sirens go off when talking to their daughter over the phone.

“There’s this heartfelt feeling of dismay and concern,” said Helene Rubin. “I can’t do much except pray.”

A young Israeli advocate, 16-year-old Sheera Mizrahi of Boca Raton, said she came to the event because of the important relationsh­ip between the U.S. and Israel.

“There is a growing understand­ing, a big group of young teens who care about Israel’s future,” she said.

Boca Raton Rabbi Efrem Goldberg said he was so grateful to the large audience who came out to “show deep, deep commitment, affection and love for the land of Israel and people of Israel.”

He said Sunday night’s meeting must inspire everyone to action.

“We can’t leave here tonight complacent.”

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