Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Let’s hope Gordon tells true PED story


MIAMI — Dee Gordon is thoughtful, personable and already rich. So he has all the necessary ingredient­s for a pro athlete to finally tell the truth about taking performanc­e-enhancing drugs.

No more lies. No flimsy excuses. And please not another side-stepping statement when he returns tonight to Marlins Park, like the silliness Gordon put out 80 suspended games ago.

“Though I did not do so knowingly,” that statement began, “I have been informed that test results showed I ingested something that contained prohibited substances ...”

Just this once, can Gordon be the athlete who doesn’t feign good golly ignorance about the lure of PEDs or drop a carpet-bomb of apologies in hopes of appeasing any anger. It’s South Florida. It’s the Marlins. How much residual anger is there?

So, here’s the truth Gordon can say before the game:

“As you know, I tested positive for PEDs this spring. But I want to be totally transparen­t on this. I was taking PEDs long before that. Look at me. I’m a skinny 160 pounds. A lot of you would have picked me as the last guy in the clubhouse taking PEDs.

“But I’m the one who needs all the help I can get. I got that help, too, from my two good friends, clostebol and exogenous testostero­ne. They helped me win the NL batting title and a stolen-base title last year — the first time they were won together since 1949.

“Throw in the Gold Glove I won last season, and who had a better year than me? Anyone? All that was just the ramp up to the best part of last year, too. I was given a $50 million contract from the Marlins because of those achievemen­ts.

“Did you hear the Heat’s Tyler Johnson say last week he ‘wanted to throw up’ a couple of times after getting his $50 million deal? Imagine how I felt! And imagine — a little humor here — how many times Mar--

lins owner Jeffrey Loria actually threw up after hearing about my drug test!

“I know, I know. A lot of people want me to apologize. But for what? For getting caught? This was a risk-versus-reward business decision by me. How many of you would take something that isn’t against the law and you rarely get caught for — I’d been tested 20 times previously — if a $50 million pot of gold was waiting for you?

“Was $50 million worth those 80 games? I’ll let you decide. But, no I’m not apologizin­g for taking PEDs. I do apologize for one thing, however. I’m sorry about that weak statement I delivered immediatel­y after getting the positive drug test. I know no one believed it.

“Will Carroll, a sports medical writer, was right saying it wasn’t ‘plausible’ for these two substances to be taken unknowingl­y. And he’s right. Just like it wasn’t plausible anyone would believe my initial statement. I didn’t believe it myself.

“Finally, I want to say one more thing that will hopefully get people off my back. I’m off the PEDs now. I’ll play it by the rules. I’ll take tests whenever they want. You’ll never see me suspended for PEDs again.

“And now you’ll see whether a 160-pound player will last in a grueling game, much less whether he can play up to his shiny, new $50 million contract without a little help from his pharmaceut­ical friends. You get the organic Dee Gordon now.

“Thank you, and go Marlins.”

Wouldn’t that be best? Don’t you just want the full truth?

Sure, there are other, actual baseball questions starting today, like whether the Marlins are appreciabl­y better with a non-PED Gordon. He had a careerhigh .359 on-base percentage last year. His replacemen­t, Derek Dietrich, has a .363 OBP this season. Gordon adds better speed and defense. Dietrich has more power.

“He asked the players to hang in while he was away,” Marlins President David Samson said of Gordon during an easy win Wednesday against Philadelph­ia. “They’ve more than done that.”

They’re sitting on the edge of a wild-card playoff berth. The idea is Gordon will help them grab it. The answers start coming today, right with his first words.

Let’s hope he tells the truth. He took PEDs. He signed a big contract. And he got caught. It’s the question of our times, the one Gordon can answer today: Is $50 million worth an 80-game suspension?

 ??  ?? Dave Hyde
Dave Hyde

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