Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

13A US works on warmth in desert

General aims to thaw chill with Saudi Arabia over recent disputes

- By W.J. Hennigan and Tracy Wilkinson

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — After a series of high-profile disputes between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, the nation’s top military official in the Middle East moved this week to ease tensions in one of America’s most enduring, yet perplexing alliances.

Gen. Joseph Votel, head of the U.S. military’s Central Command, began a series of one-on-one meetings with leading members of the House of Saud royal court, hoping to find common ground and clear up past grievances.

The U.S.-Saudi relationsh­ip has deteriorat­ed in recent months over a range of security-related issues and a reshufflin­g of the diplomatic order in the Middle East, factors that have opened a gulf of suspicion between the two nations.

“The first thing we are trying to do is listen to what they are telling us,” said Votel, who dashed from one lavish palace to the next. “It’s important to maintain confidence in the relationsh­ip.”

A root cause of the friction has been the Obama administra­tion’s overtures to Iran, Saudi Arabia’s archrival in the region. The war in Yemen, pitting Saudibacke­d forces against Iranian-backed rebels, also emerged recently as another irritant.

This month, the Obama administra­tion publicly ordered an “immediate review” of its support of the Saudi-led military coalition, which has carried out daily bombing runs in Yemen blamed for thousands of civilian deaths.

That came just weeks after Congress passed a law that allows relatives of Sept. 11 victims to seek damages from Saudi Arabia over claims that government officials aided some of the hijackers.

There was also an effort in the Senate last month to block a $1.2 billion arms deal with the kingdom, raising questions about the future of the 73-year alliance between the two nations, long built on the U.S. demand for Saudi oil and the Saudi’s need for American weapons.

Since 2009, the Obama administra­tion has offered Saudi Arabia more than $115 billion in tanks, attack helicopter­s, missiles and training, according to data compiled by the Center for Internatio­nal Policy.

Saudi mistrust of Washington grew out of last year’s landmark arms-control deal with Iran, brokered by the U.S. and other world powers, that curtailed Tehran’s ability to build nuclear weapons.

Saudis complained that the deal legitimize­d Iran’s ability to continue nuclear research for peaceful purposes, while doing nothing to tackle other behavior, such as promoting terrorism and developing ballistic missiles.

Sunni-dominated Saudi Arabia and Shiite-controlled Iran are the region’s archrivals and are willing to fight proxy wars, like the one in Yemen, to assert power and influence.

Saudis also took great umbrage when President Barack Obama, in an interview this year with The Atlantic, said that Saudi Arabia and Iran would have to learn to share the neighborho­od.

The Saudis saw this as part of Obama’s broader animus toward the desert kingdom, which he has frequently referred to as America’s “so-called ally.”

“The administra­tion — the White House — is thoroughly fed up” with the Saudi government, said Simon Henderson, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy who specialize­s in Arab Gulf states. And the feeling is mutual, he added.

“The Saudis want to see the back side of the Obama administra­tion,” Henderson said. “They don’t mind too much whether it’s Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, as long as it’s no longer Obama.”

Added to the precarious­ness of the U.S.-Saudi relationsh­ip is uncertaint­y over what may shape up as a succession struggle in the Saudi monarchy. King Salman is 80 years old. His heir apparent, Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, is not in the best of health and is being overshadow­ed by the deputy crown prince and the king’s favorite son, Mohammed bin Salman.

Prince Salman is 31 years old and is PR-savvy in what is traditiona­lly an opaquely ruled royal kingdom. He is also considered less friendly to Washington, going so far as to lecture Obama last year over the failings of U.S. foreign policy.

The ambitious young prince has been one of the movers behind Riyadh’s shift to its own more assertive foreign policy less reliant on the United States, and he was on the list of people Votel was meeting with Monday.

Votel met separately with Salman and Nayef to discuss their security concerns in the gulf region.

By most accounts, the Yemen fight against Shiite Muslim Houthi rebels is not going well for Saudi Arabia, leading to billions of dollars in costs, many soldiers’ deaths and internatio­nal opprobrium over a Saudi bombing campaign that has included the documented use of cluster and incendiary munitions that are outlawed by many of the world’s government­s.

The U.S. military never formally joined the kingdom’s offensive and instead opted to provide intelligen­ce, munitions and midair refueling to the Saudi coalition, as well as advice to mitigate civilian casualties.

The White House pledged the support in part because it wanted Saudi Arabia to go along with the Iran nuclear deal.

But once that was implemente­d this year, it became difficult for the administra­tion to ignore evidence that the Saudi-led air campaign had resulted in devastatin­g bloodshed after hospitals, homes, schools, public facilities and open-air markets were bombarded.

The final straw for the White House came Oct. 8 when Saudi warplanes repeatedly struck a funeral for the father of a high-ranking minister in the Yemeni capital, Sana, killing more than 140 mourners, including children, local officials and pro-peace Yemenis, and injuring several hundred others.

The next day the National Security Council released a statement calling for the immediate review of cooperatio­n.

“U.S. security cooperatio­n with Saudi Arabia is not a blank check,” said NSA spokesman Ned Price. “Even as we assist Saudi Arabia regarding the defense of their territoria­l integrity, we have and will continue to express our serious concerns about the conflict in Yemen and how it has been waged.”

Fewer than five U.S. military personnel are now attached to the planning cell to coordinate U.S. support for the Yemeni conflict.

The U.S. has also reduced refueling of Saudi fighter jets, limiting their ability to fly in Yemeni airspace.

 ?? CAROLYN KASTER/AP ?? President Obama irked the Saudis this year when he said they would have to learn to share the neighborho­od with Iran.
CAROLYN KASTER/AP President Obama irked the Saudis this year when he said they would have to learn to share the neighborho­od with Iran.
 ??  ?? Votel

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