Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Fewer birth defects for older moms who have IVF

- HealthDay

Older women who get pregnant through assisted reproducti­on may be less likely to have babies with birth defects than those who conceive naturally, a recent Australian study suggests.

The findings challenge the widely held belief that assisted reproducti­on increases the risk of birth defects in all women, according to the researcher­s at the University of Adelaide.

“There’s something quite remarkable occurring with women over the age of 40 who use assisted reproducti­on,” study lead author Michael Davies said in a university news release.

The study included more than 301,000 naturally conceived births, 2,200 in vitro fertilizat­ion (IVF) births and nearly 1,400 births from intracytop­lasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Among women of all ages, the average rates of birth defects were 6 percent for naturally conceived births, 7 percent for IVF births and 10 percent for ICSI births. When researcher­s looked at the births by maternal age, a different picture emerged. The rates of birth defects ranged from a high of 11 percent for women younger than 30 using ICSI to a low of 3.6 percent for women 40 and older using IVF to conceive.

In naturally conceived births, birth defect rates ranged from about 5.6 percent among young women to 8 percent among those 40 and older, according to the findings, published in BJOG: An Internatio­nal Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecolog­y.

Previous studies have shown that women who undergo assisted reproducti­on have an increased rate of birth defects overall compared with women who conceive naturally.

It’s also been known that the rate of birth defects increases exponentia­lly from age 35 and on for naturally conceived pregnancie­s.

“It was widely assumed, but untested, that maternal age would be a key factor in birth defects from assisted reproducti­on,” Davies said. “However, our findings challenge that assertion.”


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