Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Hope rises where 2,403 fell

Obama joins Japan PM Abe in historic Pearl Harbor visit

- By Christi Parsons Washington Bureau

PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii — President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe together scattered petals on the waters of Pearl Harbor on Tuesday in a symbolic act aimed at laying to rest the enmity surroundin­g the Japanese attack 75 years ago that drew the U.S. into World War II.

Both leaders expressed concern that the lessons of the war might be forgotten amid a shifting world order and the anti-internatio­nalist sentiment that has swept the globe, most notably with the ascendance of Presidente­lect Donald Trump.

“Even when hatred burns hottest, even when the tug of tribalism is at its most primal, we must resist the urge to turn inward,” Obama said. “We must resist the urge to demonize those who are different.”

The ceremony was conceived of as an affirmatio­n of close U.S. relations with Japan, once a bitter wartime enemy, and Obama and Abe underscore­d the importance of building bonds between nations. Their remarks also appeared to be warnings for Trump, whose divisive campaign took aim at longstandi­ng alliances and stoked fears with harsh rhetoric about immigrants and minorities.

“Ours is an alliance of hope that will lead us to the future,” Abe said, speaking to World War II veterans after paying tribute at the Pearl Harbor memorial. “What has bonded us together is the power of reconcilia­tion, made possible through the spirit of tolerance.”

One of the central tenets of Obama’s foreign policy was a commitment of resources toward Asia with an eye toward countering the rise of China.

But Trump has obliterate­d long-establishe­d protocols. He spoke with Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen despite the U.S. policy of officially acknowledg­ing no Chinese government other than the one in Beijing. And when he met with Abe last month in New York, Trump brought not a battalion of Asia experts but rather his daughter Ivanka.

Trump also promised last week to expand America’s nuclear arsenal after decades of a deliberate shrinking of the American and Russian stockpiles.

“Let it be an arms race,” he told an MSNBC host, unnerving leaders in Asia, where North Korea and China are growing more aggressive.

Abe became the first Japanese prime minister to make a highly publicized visit to the USS Arizona memorial, though three of his predecesso­rs are thought to have more quietly visited Pearl Harbor. His visit followed Obama’s in May to Hiroshima, Japan, site of one of the two nuclear attacks near the end of the war.

Abe and Obama rode a small boat to the white memorial building in the harbor that looks out over the sunken remains of the Arizona, attacked by the Japanese on Dec. 7, 1941, killing 2,403 people and thrusting the U.S. into the war. Abe laid a wreath in honor of the dead.

Among those in the crowd was Sterling Cale, 95, a sailor at Pearl Harbor on the day of the attack.

Of those killed that day, 1,177 were crew members of the Arizona. It was Cale’s job to pull bodies from the burning battleship.

He did not come hoping to hear Abe apologize, he said.

“‘Sorry’ is just a word,” Cale said. “What matters more is the action of coming here and going out there with our commander in chief. That says more than words.”

Abe did not issue a formal apology, even as he detailed the horror of the sinking of the Arizona.

“Each and every one of those servicemen had a mother and a father anxious about his safety,” Abe said. “Many had wives and girlfriend­s they loved, and many must have had children they would have loved watching grow up.”

“Rest in peace, precious souls of the fallen,” he went on. “I offer my sincere and everlastin­g condolence­s to the souls of those who lost their lives here.”

Obama stepped to the lectern and declared the site a symbol of reconcilia­tion.

“Today, the alliance between the United States and Japan, bound not only by shared interests, but also rooted in common values, stands as the cornerston­e of peace and stability in the Asia Pacific, and a force for progress around the globe,” Obama said.

In likely his final visit with a world leader before he leaves office in January, Obama expressed hope.

“As nations and as people, we cannot choose the history that we inherit,” he said, “but we can choose what lessons to draw from it and use those lessons to chart our own futures.”

 ?? DENNIS ODA/HONOLULU STAR-ADVERTISER ?? Shinzo Abe, left, and President Barack Obama toss petals Tuesday into the wishing well of the USS Arizona Memorial.
DENNIS ODA/HONOLULU STAR-ADVERTISER Shinzo Abe, left, and President Barack Obama toss petals Tuesday into the wishing well of the USS Arizona Memorial.
 ?? KENT NISHIMURA/GETTY ?? Obama and Abe greet Pearl Harbor survivors Emmet Hyland, Al Rodriguez and Sterling Cale on Tuesday.
KENT NISHIMURA/GETTY Obama and Abe greet Pearl Harbor survivors Emmet Hyland, Al Rodriguez and Sterling Cale on Tuesday.

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