Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

U.S. finalizing package to hack back at Russia

- By Ellen Nakashima

The Obama administra­tion is close to announcing a series of measures to punish Russia for its interferen­ce in the 2016 presidenti­al election, including economic sanctions and diplomatic censure, according to U.S. officials.

The administra­tion is still finalizing the details, which are also expected to include covert action that likely will involve cyber operations, the officials said. An announceme­nt on the public elements of the response could come as early as this week.

The sanctions part of the package culminates weeks of debate in the White House about how to revise an executive order from last year meant to give the president authority to respond to cyberattac­ks from overseas, but which did not originally cover efforts to influence the election.

The Obama administra­tion last year rolled the order out to great fanfare as a way to punish and deter foreign hackers who harm the United States’ economic or national security.

The threat to use it last year helped wring a pledge out of China’s president that his country would cease hacking U.S. companies’ secrets to benefit Chinese firms.

But officials this fall concluded that it could not, as written, be used to punish the most significan­t cyber-provocatio­n in recent memory against the United States — Russia’s hacking of Democratic organizati­ons, targeting of state election systems and meddling in the presidenti­al election.

With the clock ticking, the White House is working on adapting the authority to punish the Russians, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberati­ons. President Barack Obama last week pledged there would be a response to Moscow’s interferen­ce in the U.S. elections.

One clear way to use the order against the Russian suspects would be to declare the electoral systems part of the “critical infrastruc­ture” of the United States. Or it could be amended to clearly apply to the new threat — interferin­g in elections.

Administra­tion officials would also like to make it difficult for Presidente­lect Donald Trump to roll back any action they take.

“Part of the goal here is to make sure that we have as much of the record public or communicat­ed to Congress in a form that would be difficult to simply walk back,” said one senior administra­tion official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberati­ons.

The order allows the government to freeze the assets in the United States of people overseas who have engaged in cyber acts that have threatened U.S. national security or financial stability. .

But just a year after their implementa­tion, a Russian military spy agency hacked into the Democratic National Committee and stole a trove of emails that were released a few months later on WikiLeaks, U.S. officials said. Other releases followed, including the hacked emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.

“Fundamenta­lly, it was a low-tech, high-impact event,” said Zachary Goldman, a sanctions and national security expert at New York University School of Law. The 2015 executive order was not crafted to target hackers who steal emails and dump them on WikiLeaks or seek to disrupt an election. “It was an authority published at a particular time to address a particular set of problems,” he said.

So officials “need to engage in some legal acrobatics to fit the DNC hack into an existing authority, or they need to write a new authority,” Goldman said.

Some analysts believe that state election systems would fit under “government facilities,” which is one of the 16 critical infrastruc­ture sectors designated by the Department of Homeland Security.

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