Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Trump inaugurati­on team taps power of social media

- By Roxanne Roberts

Can’t make it to Washington for the inaugurati­on? No problem — the Presidenti­al Inaugural Committee will bring it to you.

The committee recently launched its official website — — and it includes basic informatio­n on the pre-inaugural concert, the inaugural parade and all the social media venues on which you can follow the action at home.

The idea, says PIC Communicat­ions Director Boris Epshteyn, is for as many people to be part of the celebratio­n as possible.

“Our comprehens­ive social media profile is going to give Americans across the country the best seat in the house to this historic event,” Epshteyn said. “We’ll be using interactiv­e technologi­es and live streaming capabiliti­es that will allow every person to join in President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence’s inclusive and uplifting celebratio­n.”

Twitter, of course, is Donald Trump’s favorite way of speaking to his 17 million followers @realDonald­Trump. Because he has documented every step of his ascent to leader of the free world, it’s fair to assume that he’ll be weighing in on his inaugural plans as well.

The inaugural committee set up its own Twitter account — @trumpinaug­ural — this month. Since most of the events are still in the planning stages, the account has mostly been full of cheery updates and historical factoids about former presidents.

There’s also a Facebook page, a YouTube channel and an Instagram account. An online store with commemorat­ive inaugural products is in the works.

The website will also include informatio­n for the public seeking tickets for the January events.

The Jan. 19 “Welcome Concert” on the Mall is the official kickoff to the inaugural events, according to the website. The lineup of entertaine­rs has not been announced, but both the president-elect and the vice president-elect will appear onstage.

The PIC will sell a limited number of general admission concert tickets after Jan. 1 and will release informatio­n about some free, nontickete­d areas where it will be possible to watch the show. The PIC will also release a limited number of bleacher seats for the inaugural parade after details have been finalized; the price will be posted at that time.

Tickets for the swearingin are distribute­d by the Joint Congressio­nal Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies and members of Congress.

The website includes an online form for ticket inquiries but does not guarantee any sales or reservatio­ns.

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