Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

The challenge now is for the president to deliver.


Donald Trump officially became the 45th President of the United States on Friday, delivering a stemwinder inaugural speech that sent an America-first message, took the Washington establishm­ent to task and said “the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.”

In populist yet divisive tones, Trump, a billionair­e real estate developer with no previous government experience, spoke mostly to those who helped secure his stunning victory, not those who preferred Hillary Clinton and fear his presidency.

Trump’s challenge now is to shift into governing mode and make good on the promises he has made for 18 months, including the more-conciliato­ry promise he made on Election Day to bind the nation’s wounds and be president to all Americans.

While the time-honored peaceful transition of power was on display in all its pomp and ceremony Friday, Trump’s 16-minute speech painted an image of America in decline.

In truth, Trump’s predecesso­r inherited an America in much worse shape than we face today. When Barack Obama became president in 2009, we were on the verge of economic collapse and fighting two wars. Eight years later, we’ve seen 75 consecutiv­e months of job growth, a reduction in crime and a dramatic drawdown in deployed troops.

But when Trump uses words like “carnage,” “decay” and “rusted out factories,” he reminds us that the recovery has passed many people by, especially displaced older workers who, if they’re lucky enough to have found jobs, are likely working for less money or at jobs outside of their chosen careers.

“January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of the nation again,” he said. “This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.”

Trump blamed “a small group in our nation’s capital” for reaping the rewards of government, a reminder of his campaign promise to “drain the swamp” and transfer power to the people. But Trump’s rhetoric is hard to reconcile with his Cabinet picks, given the number of billionair­es and Washington insiders he’s chosen, and his notable lack of Hispanic leaders.

Without naming names, Trump criticized the tenure of the former presidents sitting behind him, along with congressio­nal leaders of both parties. He said he would bring back jobs, eradicate Islamic terrorism and strengthen the nation’s borders.

But governing for all the people promises to be a challenge for Trump. He is intent on getting rid of Obamacare, for example, even though a majority of Americans say they approve of the Affordable Care Act.

Neither does he have a mandate for radical change. Clinton, let’s remember, got almost 3 million more votes. And Trump’s disapprova­l rating hovers around 60 percent.

As Trump spoke, the divisions of America were on display in the streets near the capitol, as dozens of protesters were arrested. This weekend, demonstrat­ions and protests are planned throughout the country.

But Trump supporters were in the streets, too, excited by his potential to change the way Washington works and make it work for everyday people.

Trump is lucky to have a Republican-dominated Congress to help pass much of his agenda, though it will require him to work with some of those same insiders he spent so much time criticizin­g Friday.

Trump promises to be a far different president than any we’ve ever known. While his shoot-from-the-hip style appeals to many, his insults and his early morning tweets annoy many more.

The problems facing America — including the growing federal debt and millions of people in poverty — should be enough to keep him busy and away from Twitter.

That said, Friday belonged to Trump. As ugly as it was, the campaign is over and he is the legitimate winner. Now he has to work at being presidenti­al for 320 million Americans. Whether President Trump can do that remains to be seen.

Trump is lucky to have a Republican­dominated Congress to help pass much of his agenda, though it will require him to work with some of those same insiders he spent so much time criticizin­g.

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