Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

President Trump should keep his word and be a champion for Haiti

- By Daniel Eugene Daniel Eugene serves as chapter coordinato­r for South Florida AHEAD (American & Haitian Economic Alliance for Developmen­t), which has chapters in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, and Orlando. Eugene is also president of the Ha

Not always in a good light, Haiti, in her unique peculiar way, has always managed to make headlines in the world’s news cycle. This past U.S. election, for the first time, a Republican president hopeful, now sitting President Donald Trump, visited Little Haiti, promising to be the Haitian-American community’s champion.

The Huffington Post, on Nov. 12, raised a correlatio­n between the Little Haiti visit and Trump’s Florida win. The visit sparked a healthy and emotionall­y charged dialogue within our community. Now that Donald Trump is the most powerful man in the world, many are asking what a pro-Haitian American agenda should look like.

“Tabula rasa” is what is suggested as one way to move forward and eradicate the grips of the oligarchy and the small clan of corrupts — Haitian politician­s involved in drugs and money laundering. This new Haitian government will be nothing short of the continuati­on of the Clintonian era, which was tainted by corruption, cronyism and favoritism at the expense of the plight of the poor Haitian people, a large sector maintains. Such a draconian approach is not new at all, since former President George W. Bush tried it himself by imposing ex-prime minister Gerard Latortue in February 2004. Trying to settle political scores can only result in chaos. This is one temptation the Trump administra­tion should not give in to.

Haiti is a failed state and therefore poor. Like in any failed state, corruption is rampant. The state’s institutio­ns are weak and feeble. The economy is stagnant and only works for a small group of people. Far too often — convenient­ly and deliberate­ly — the internatio­nal community has tried to concoct a political solution sans fin, knowing very well that economic developmen­t is the only viable option. This fundamenta­l piece of the puzzle is where the members of the American & Haitian Economic Alliance for Developmen­t (AHEAD) think President Trump should place his focus.

Besides Cuba, Haiti has the largest ethnic group of immigrants to the U.S. Many of these immigrants’ sons and daughters have been educated in the best U.S. universiti­es and are now serving in higher-capacity levels of corporate America. They are in fact the finest product of the American system, also willing to give back to their country.

Dumbfounde­d by the accelerate­d rhythm that Chinese companies were able to secure projects worth hundreds of millions of dollar in Haiti in the last seven years, these young profession­als are very alarmed that Haitian American companies were denied the same opportunit­ies. The last report of the World Bank revealed a 4.1 percent contractio­n in the Haitian economy. The HaitianAme­rican diaspora should not agree to be discounted and watch as the country is mismanaged. Haiti is in serious need of capital. Such capital will not come without the willingnes­s of this new government to overhaul her corrupted institutio­ns, debts and closed-economy model.

The diaspora expertise comes in readily to help shape these lame institutio­ns and craft a structural debt repayment plan, which will help restore the Haitian economy. Such a program will promote sustainabl­e, high-paying jobs and commerce flow in both countries. And that is where President Trump could best serve as our champion.

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