Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Questions linger after U.N. action against Israeli settlement­s

- By Joel Feiss Joel Feiss, MD, is a Fort Lauderdale resident, a gastroente­rologist in Plantation, and the author of five contempora­ry-fiction books on Israel, including his latest, “Desert Pawn.”

On Dec. 23, President Barack Obama decided to abstain from the U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334 vote, which condemned Israel for continuing to build settlement­s in the occupied territorie­s. I have waited until now, February 2017, to send this in because I was hoping for a clarificat­ion from President Obama even though he is out of office. I voted for President Obama both times and appreciate all he has done for Israel, however his parting move against Israel defies logic.

By abstaining from the vote, the U.S. allowed the U.N. Security Council, in a vote of 14-0, to condemn constructi­on of Jewish settlement­s in East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

The holy city of Jerusalem, the region of Judea and Samaria which contains the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and Sinai were captured by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War. At that time in history, the Jewish state was under attack by the surroundin­g Arab nations of Jordan, Egypt and Syria, who were determined to exterminat­e Israel. Israel also defended that territory and itself in the Yom Kippur War of 1973.

The response to Obama’s decision has been dramatic. The terrorist organizati­ons, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, celebrated the decision as an “important evolution.”

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu categorica­lly rejected the despicable antiIsrael resolution. To paraphrase, he stated that while the Security Council does nothing to prevent the massacre of half a million people in Syria, it has shamefully singled out Israel, the most Democratic country in the Middle East, to vote against and condemn.

President Donald Trump and numerous U.S. senators and congressme­n also have condemned Obama’s decision. They stated that this resolution put Israel in a poor negotiatin­g position with the Palestinia­ns, and rather than supporting a peaceful two-state solution, it would hamper further discussion­s. They stated that the vote was an effort to demonize and isolate Israel in the waning days of the Obama administra­tion.

Why did the Obama administra­tion decide to abstain from this vote, and what was their role in bringing this vote forward? Was it an attempt to balance Trump’s policies that will be more favorable to Israeli settlement constructi­on? Or was it an attempt to balance Trump’s stance on the U.N. and future negotiatio­ns within that institutio­n? Was it a final shot against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for their acrimoniou­s relationsh­ip over the last eight years? Was Obama trying to place a wedge between Netanyahu and his own political party in Israel, thereby making him look inadequate in handling Israel’s foreign relations?

Lastly, if Obama truly believed the settlement­s are impeding a peaceful resolution, then how does he expect Israel to negotiate with the Palestinia­n Authority unity government that includes Hamas, a terrorist organizati­on whose charter explicitly calls for the destructio­n of Israel. A two-state resolution would only be possible when the Palestinia­n people choose a leadership that truly wants to have a peaceful resolution without terrorism, and one that recognizes Israel’s right to exist and the right to defend itself.

By foregoing direct negotiatio­ns and trying to force action in internatio­nal bodies, efforts such as the one in the United Nations only increases Palestinia­n intransige­nce and increases Israeli reluctance to take future risks on this very elusive peace.

Why did the Obama administra­tion decide to abstain from this vote? ... Was it an attempt to balance Trump’s policies that will be more favorable to Israeli settlement constructi­on?

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