Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Donate Mar-a-Lago profits to charity


President George W. Bush had Crawford, Texas. His father had Kennebunkp­ort, Maine.

Martha’s Vineyard, the Hamptons, even Palm Beach in the early ’60s — they’ve all proudly hosted vacationer­s-in-chief.

But Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, where President Donald Trump is spending his weekends this month, is different.

While no one begrudges some R&R for the president, Mar-a-Lago is more than a second home for Trump. It’s his place of business, his exclusive resort. And by regularly mixing his presidency with his cash cow, he’s crossing a line that may not be illegal, but certainly looks bad.

Other presidents have hosted foreign leaders at their winter homes, no question. Nixon met dignitarie­s at his San Clemente getaway, called “the Western White House.” And Harry Truman met them at a Key West vacation home called “the Little White House.”

But Nixon and Truman didn’t personally profit from doing business at their homes.

The same cannot be said for Trump, who owns the 126-room waterfront resort that includes his private home in a separate, closed-off area.

Not only has the cache of Mar-a-Lago grown since Trump was elected president, so has its membership fee — from $100,000 to $200,000. Clearly, the resort’s stock is on the rise.

Indeed, Trump, a master of branding, is marketing the resort as his presidenti­al haven. “A working dinner tonight with Prime Minister Abe of Japan, and his representa­tives, at the Winter White House (Mar-a-Lago),” he tweeted last weekend.

Name another membersonl­y club where you might spot the president on weekends. Or watch him publicly dine with a world leader. Or even watch him handle an internatio­nal security crisis, as happened during the Abe dinner after North Korea tested a ballistic missile. Or watch the two depart for his exclusive, for-profit golf course five minutes away.

We want to believe profit isn’t the president’s motive, no matter his boasts about his business bona fides.

But Trump has yet to say — as he should — that he’s dedicating Mar-a-Lago’s profits to a fund for the public good.

Instead, just a month into Trump’s term, there’s been a steady flow of news about the family possibly capitalizi­ng on the presidency. In the last week, we’ve seen: The president tweet his displeasur­e after Nordstrom dropped Ivanka Trump’s brand of accessorie­s and clothing because of slow sales. It’s one thing for the president to use his official White House Twitter account to criticize companies with government contracts. It’s quite another to use it to prop up the fortunes of family members.

Later, during an interview with Fox News from the West Wing, presidenti­al adviser Kellyanne Conway told viewers to “go buy Ivanka’s stuff.” An ethics rule bars federal employees from using their positions to promote products, but Conway seemed unrepentan­t and said the president supported her “100 percent.” In other words, not even a slap on the wrist for an ethics breach.

First lady Melania Trump refiled a libel lawsuit that said the defendant’s scurrilous accusation­s had damaged her “once in a lifetime opportunit­y” as “one of the most photograph­ed women in the world” to launch a variety of fashion and beauty care products. Later, her lawyer said the first lady has no intention of profiting from her position. But if so, why tell a court that her ability to make a lot of money during a “multi-year term” had been harmed?

And though the Trump Organizati­on has pledged to launch no new foreign businesses to avoid conflicts of interest with foreign government­s, there was Eric Trump visiting the Dominican Republican over the weekend, reportedly resurrecti­ng a long-dormant deal for a new Trump hotel. The branding deal was signed in 2007, but has been dead since 2008. Must we now parse the meaning of “new”? It sounds a lot like arguing “what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

During a November meeting with New York Times editors and writers, Trump acknowledg­ed that winning the presidency had made his brand “hotter.”

But he also said, “the president can’t have a conflict of interest.”

But then he noted that he had no legal obligation to cut ties with his businesses. “In theory, I could run my business perfectly and then run the country perfectly. There’s never been a case like this. I’d assumed that you’d have to set up some type of trust or whatever and you don’t.”

While federal conflict-of-interest laws don’t apply to the president, Americans expect the occupant of the Oval Office to keep our interests — not family profits — paramount.

It’s reported that the president plans to hold many visits with foreign leaders at Mar-a-Lago.

Rather than pocket the proceeds from the resort’s new-found prominence, better that the president pony up for the public good.

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