Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Trump’s military action unnerves some, cheers others

- By Ken Thomas and Richard Lardner

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s military strike against Syria drew strong pushback from a mix of libertaria­n Republican­s, Democrats and the far-right conservati­ves who have long insisted on Congress’ constituti­onal authority for acts of war.

Trump burnished an “America first” foreign policy during his 2016 campaign, warning that rival Hillary Clinton would dangerousl­y order U.S. soldiers into internatio­nal conflicts.

He was often critical of former President Barack Obama’s handling of the Syria crisis in 2013 and urged him at the time to seek congressio­nal approval for any military action.

But the president said Thursday night that the airstrikes were in the “vital national security interest” of the U.S. and accused Syrian President Bashar Assad of having “choked” his own citizens in a chemical attack.

Trump’s decision to launch the airstrikes on a Syrian military base represente­d an about-face at the start of his presidency and angered Republican­s and Democrats, who said the Constituti­on gave Congress sole power to declare war.

They urged Trump to come to Congress to get authorizat­ion for military force.

“The Constituti­on is very clear that war originates in the legislatur­e,” said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., a leader of the party’s noninterve­ntionist wing who challenged Trump for the GOP nomination.

Paul, who called the Syria strike unconstitu­tional, said Friday before a closed-door briefing for lawmakers that they weren’t comfortabl­e learning about the intelligen­ce that led the president to order the strike until the day after the missiles were launched.

“You vote before you go to war, not after you go to war,” Paul said.

But GOP leaders, many of whom back a more hawkish view of foreign policy, praised Trump’s actions. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he supported “both the action and objective,” while House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., called the strike “appropriat­e and just.”

Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., who has been pushing for a more aggressive approach to Syria, and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., also welcomed the military action.

Any attempt by Trump to push a new war powers resolution through Congress would be difficult. Obama asked lawmakers two years ago to authorize war against the Islamic State, but they never acted on the proposal.

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