Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Appeals court underscore­s Trump’s words

Bench questions motive for travel ban, plus whether president should be second-guessed

- By David G. Savage

WASHINGTON — Federal appeals court judges in Virginia gave a mostly skeptical hearing Monday to a lawyer for President Donald Trump as he attempted to defend the legality of a foreign travel ban affecting six mostly Muslim nations.

The 13 judges of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, 10 of whom are Democratic appointees, must decide whether Trump’s revised executive order is a valid effort to protect the nation’s security or an unconstitu­tional scheme to keep out Muslims. An earlier, more sweeping travel ban was also blocked by federal courts.

The judges pointed to Trump’s statements during the campaign when he spoke of what he saw as the danger posed by Muslims and the need to keep out Muslim immigrants, refugees and visitors.

Trump later shifted his focus away from religion to nationalit­y, but administra­tion officials frequently portrayed the executive order as a fulfillmen­t of his campaign pledge.

“Even after the second order, there was sort of a wink and nod,” said Judge James Wynn Jr., an appointee of President Barack Obama. “Are his statements irrelevant?”

Judge Robert Bruce King noted that Trump’s campaign web site still featured his 2015 statement calling for the nationwide Muslim ban. That statement was removed Monday, shortly after White House press secretary Sean Spicer was asked about it by reporters during a White House briefing.

At issue is whether the court should look solely at the language of the order, or whether judges should consider the motivation­s behind the president’s actions, particular­ly if the intent violates constituti­onal prohibitio­ns against favoring one religion over another.

A lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union ran into equally sharp questions from several judges who said they did not see why the courts should second-guess the president’s judgment involving a matter of national security. Trump has argued the temporary ban is necessary to protect Americans from possible terror attacks.

Judge Paul Niemeyer, an appointee of President George H.W. Bush, said several of the targeted nations are “state sponsors of terrorism. People coming from there are high risk. And you are saying there’s something wrong with that?”

He said judges should not be deciding whether screening at the border is justified. “I don’t know where this stops,” he said.

ACLU attorney Omar Jadwat insisted that Trump’s own words had shown the travel ban was mostly a gesture toward filling a campaign promise. He said national security experts had said there was no need for shutting off new arrivals from the six countries.

His legal argument rested on the First Amendment’s ban on laws “respecting an establishm­ent of religion.”

“The Establishm­ent Clause prohibits denigratin­g and targeting religion,” he said.

Jadwat’s asked the judges to consider the possibilit­y of a hypothetic­al anti-Semitic president who says “I don’t like Jews. I don’t want them in the country.” Then, after being elected, he issues an executive order banning new arrivals from Israel because that nation has experience­d terrorism. Judges should have no trouble concluding such an order would be illegitima­te and unconstitu­tional, he said.

Meanwhile, Jeffrey Wall, acting U.S. solicitor general, argued that Supreme Court’s precedents give the chief executive broad power to restrict foreigners from entering the country.

He repeatedly cited a 1972 decision in which the justices upheld an order denying a visa to a Belgian communist who was due to speak at Stanford University. Professors had sued citing the First Amendment and the freedom of speech, but the high court said it would not second-guess the government’s reason for denying the visa.

So long as the president “puts forth a reason that is on its face legitimate,” Wall argued, the order restrictin­g new arrivals should be upheld. Trump and his advisers said they worried the government­s of these countries — including Libya, Somalia and Yemen — could not provide “reliable informatio­n to screen” people who wanted to come to the United States, Wall said.

The full 4th Circuit in Richmond, Va., was hearing the Trump administra­tion’s appeal of a ruling by a U.S. district judge in Maryland who blocked a scaled-down travel ban from taking effect. The original order was blocked by the 9th Circuit on Feb. 9, dealing the Trump White House a major legal defeat in its third week.

Next Monday, the 9th Circuit Court, sitting in Seattle, will hear a similar appeal of the second order, which was also blocked by a federal judge in Hawaii.

 ?? STEVE HELBER/AP ?? ACLU lawyer Omar Jadwat speaks after the appeals court hearing Monday in Virginia.
STEVE HELBER/AP ACLU lawyer Omar Jadwat speaks after the appeals court hearing Monday in Virginia.

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