Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

When do screenings become unnecessar­y?

- Dr. Keith Roach Write to Dr. Roach at To Your Good Health

Dear Dr. Roach: For many years, I have had a screening colonoscop­y due to a history of colon cancer in my mother. Over the years, I’ve had polyps, and some were precancero­us. I just turned 85, and my physician assistant does not recommend another colonoscop­y because of my age. What do you think about stopping colonoscop­y due to age? — M.J.S.

Age is only one factor to consider when deciding whether to recommend a screening colonoscop­y. In my opinion, the decision needs to be individual­ized — even though 85 is a reasonable time to stop, there may be some very healthy 85-year-olds I still would consider screening. For most people, though, the potential harm of a colonoscop­y outweighs the benefit over age 85.

Dear Dr. Roach: I have taken hydrocodon­e for several years for back and leg pain. I was bothered by opioid-induced constipati­on, until I read about magnesium. I have not had a problem since, and I have told many friends, who all have had the same success. — N.B.H.

Treatment for opioid-induced constipati­on should include plenty of water, regular activity and eating foods with fiber. If people still need help, then a medication like magnesium hydroxide or magnesium citrate is a reasonable choice. I wish I could say I had 100 percent success rate with them, but they don’t work for some and cause too many side effects in others. Other laxatives, such as polyethyle­ne glycol (Miralax) or lactulose, are helpful in some. Some people prefer suppositor­ies. There also are newer treatments, such as methylnalt­rexone (Relistor) or lubiprosto­ne (Amitiza).

For people taking opioids chronicall­y, it is wise to periodical­ly review the risks and benefits of continuing to take them. They work well for some people at reducing pain, but not at all well for others, and there’s always a risk for side effects and addiction.

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