Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Trump attacks ‘pathetic’ critics

Defiant president polishes outsider image in speech to Liberty University graduates

- By Michael A. Memoli Associated Press contribute­d.

“Future belongs to dreamers,” not critics, he tells Liberty University graduates.

LYNCHBURG, Va. — Seeking respite from the tumult he set off in Washington after firing his FBI director, an embattled President Donald Trump on Saturday spoke before a friendly crowd of tens of thousands at Liberty University, where he lashed out at what he charges are “pathetic” critics and an establishm­ent class trying to undermine him.

The president returned to his outsider message in his roughly 30-minute address to the evangelica­l Christian university’s graduating class. He spoke defiantly about challengin­g the Washington order as he grapples with a political crisis that keeps swelling amid shifting White House explanatio­ns for the FBI shake-up.

“I’ve seen firsthand how the system is broken,” Trump said, and how a “small group of failed voices” attempts to dictate “how to live and how to think.”

“No one has ever achieved anything significan­t without a chorus of critics standing on the sidelines explaining why it can’t be done,” Trump said. “Nothing is easier or more pathetic than being a critic, because they’re people that can’t get the job done. But the future belongs to the dreamers, not to the critics.”

But Trump himself has given his critics a lot of fodder over the last several days.

He admitted that FBI Director James Comey’s firing was motivated in part by the agency’s probe of Russia connection­s to Trump’s own inner circle. He fired off a tweet seeming to warn Comey that he may have taped private conversati­ons between the two of them. Trump’s efforts at damage control only intensifie­d concerns on both sides of the aisle that he is aiming to undermine the independen­ce of the nation’s top law enforcemen­t agency.

On Saturday, his response to the backlash was a speech in which he praised courage of conviction and warned how those who lack it don’t have “the guts or the stamina” to do what’s right.

The speech was Trump’s first public appearance outside the White House since Comey’s firing Tuesday.

On Saturday, officials from the Department of Justice were set to interview several candidates to replace Comey, who served less than half of the 10-year term he began after being nominated by President Barack Obama and overwhelmi­ngly confirmed by the Senate in 2013.

Trump basked in the warm reception he received from an announced crowd of more than 50,000 at the university’s football stadium, nestled in hills leading to the Blue Ridge Mountains.

The university’s president, Jerry Falwell Jr., was an early and potent backer of Trump during his 2016 campaign. He provided critical validation for the twice-divorced New York billionair­e among a potentiall­y skeptical but very important demographi­c in the Republican primaries: evangelica­l voters.

Introducin­g the president, Falwell, the son of the famous Baptist pastor and televangel­ist of the same name, hailed Trump and his family for risking his business empire and reputation “all for the country they love.”

He ticked off early accomplish­ments of note to evangelica­ls, including the confirmati­on of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and a recent executive order directing the Treasury Department not to enforce the so-called Johnson Amendment that bars religious institutio­ns from engaging in political activity at the risk of losing their tax-exempt status.

Trump won 80 percent of the white evangelica­l vote during the election, and a recent Pew Research Center survey marking his first 100 days in office — a milestone reached on April 29 — found three-fourths of white evangelica­ls approved of his performanc­e as president. Just 39 percent of the general public held the same view.

Trump is the second sitting president to deliver a commenceme­nt address at Liberty University, following George H.W. Bush in 1990. He was presented with an honorary doctorate of laws.

“As long as I am president, no one is ever going to stop you from practicing your faith, or preaching what’s in your heart,” Trump said, making a reference to his religious liberty executive order.

It was the first of two commenceme­nt addresses Trump will deliver this year.

On Wednesday he will address graduating cadets at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.

But, much as President Barack Obama did in 2016 when he addressed an equally friendly crowd at Howard University, a historical­ly black school in Washington, Trump used his speech to sketch his own political vision.

But another Trump nemesis was back at the podium at Howard on Saturday while the president was out of Washington.

Sen. Kamala Harris, DCalif., aimed her Howard address squarely at Trump, telling the graduates they face a far different nation than when they began their studies four years earlier, where “we worry that a late-night tweet could start a war, when we no longer believe the words of some of our leaders,” and “where the very integrity of our justice system has been called into question.”

Invoking the university’s motto, Harris urged the students to “speak truth, and serve.”

 ?? PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS/AP ?? Donald Trump’s address at Liberty University on Saturday was his first since firing FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday.
PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS/AP Donald Trump’s address at Liberty University on Saturday was his first since firing FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday.

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