Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Looking ahead to this week


Katy Sorenson, past president, Good Government Initiative, University of Miami

After a shameful state budget process in which House Speaker Corcoran and Senate President Negron negotiated the terms behind closed doors, the biggest loser is public education. Meager increases in K-12 will deprive our children of the education they need for a complicate­d, demanding future. Cuts to state community colleges will shortchang­e needy students trying to become prepared to participat­e in a vibrant economy. Privately managed charter schools will continue to take our public money from our public schools. If the economy is so important to Republican­s, why don’t they invest strategica­lly in our future workforce by supporting public education?

Nan Rich, member, Broward County Commission

The Sentinel was spot-on urging Governor Scott to veto HB7069, the terrible education bill. Speaker Corcoran called it “the greatest education K-12 policy we’ve ever passed.” Sure, if you don’t care about children, teachers or public schools. With a healthy state economy, Broward public schools funding will decrease. HB7069 gives $140 million to so-called “Schools of Hope,” allowing for-profit charter schools to receive public money to build privately-owned buildings. The bill doesn’t address excessive student testing, and bases teacher bonuses on their long-ago SAT scores. Email urging him to veto.

Irela Bagué, president, Bagué Group

The U.S. Senate last week surprising­ly voted to reject an effort to overturn the Bureau of Land Management’s Methane Waste Reduction Rule. The rule restricts methane emissions from drilling operations on America’s public lands. It is reassuring to see common sense coming from Capitol Hill. These lawmakers made the right decision to protect our parks and public lands and save taxpayer money as well. This serves as a good example of actually putting America first but it is not over. The Trump administra­tion has signaled that it will review the rule and several others that have implicatio­ns for parks.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski, Archdioces­e of Miami

Venezuela could soon become the Syria of Latin America. The Maduro government, supported by a compromise­d military, refuses to resolve the crisis that has paralyzed Venezuela's economy. Hunger is a daily reality for more than 80 percent of the population. Last year, 74 percent lost about 16 pounds — a diet enforced by empty shelves and shortages of basic food stuffs and medicines. Venezuela has the world's largest oil reserves but the people can't eat petroleum, and they can't sell it — not only because of historical low prices but because socialism has destroyed the country's capacity to take it out of the ground.

Eleanor Sobel, former member, Florida Senate

Trumpcare is a disaster waiting to happen. The U.S. Senate must reject the House bill allowing the states to waive pre-existing conditions as a requiremen­t for insurance coverage. States can opt out of demanding health insurance companies to include benefits including emergency services, hospitaliz­ation and prescripti­ons drugs. Serving the Medicaid population, Planned Parenthood will be defunded which provides mammograms and Pap smears, HIV prevention education, sexual and reproducti­ve health services and informatio­n. History shows high-risk pools with maximum annual limits do not work in Florida. Premiums will rise as people age (five times more for seniors). Fix Obamacare.

Marlon A. Hill, partner, Hamilton, Miller & Birthisel

Loyalty in politics should not be equated with subservien­ce. This type of working environmen­t stifles creativity, innovation and transparen­cy. In fact, it does not bode well for any relationsh­ip, personal and profession­al. If President Trump at the tip of spear insists on blind loyalty from his team over honest objections or counsel, he will not get the full benefit of any talent around him. I pray that courageous voices step out on the plank and demonstrat­e their balancing skills.

Steven Geller, member, Broward County Commission

Every 20 years, the Florida Constituti­onal Revision Commission (CRC) proposes amendments to the Florida Constituti­on. This year, before they make their first recommenda­tion, I see problems with the CRC. The two prior times that the CRC met, the appointees covered a broad spectrum of political views, so proposed amendments which met the three-fifths requiremen­t to place amendments on the ballot were generally mainstream. This time, the appointees are overwhelmi­ngly conservati­ve, and will probably recommend a divisive list of conservati­ve amendments. If this happens, many of us will urge the voters to vote “no” and reject all of the proposed changes.

Stephanie Toothaker, attorney, Tripp Scott

While Tallahasse­e seems unable to even agree on the time of day, this week Broward County and Fort Lauderdale officials showed an interest in local cooperatio­n. As both look to site new government complexes in downtown Fort Lauderdale in ways that can also enable a much-needed new federal courthouse, the real possibilit­y of combined facilities emerged. Clearly the county’s old, retrofitte­d Burdines department store building and our city hall have outlived their useful lives. So in a place where county and city interactio­n is sometimes strained and no resident of Fort Lauderdale sits on the county commission, this is exciting.

Barbara M. Sharief, mayor, Broward County

June 1st marks the first day of hurricane season. Now is the time to start preparing. Hurricanes can be lifethreat­ening, but you can take steps now to protect yourself, your family and your property. The most important step is to develop a plan that all family members will know how to follow, make sure you have enough food and water on hand to last at least one week, know your evacuation route and where the nearest shelter is located and keep valuables safe and secure. Start preparing early. Find more informatio­n at

Ina Lee, president Travelhost Elite of Greater Fort Lauderdale

With the suspicious firing of FBI Director James Comey by President Trump during the investigat­ion of Russian meddling in our election, the appointmen­t of an independen­t special prosecutor is certainly what would serve the American people. Our very democracy is being called into question. This is not a reality TV show. Our values and the conscience of our nation are at stake.

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