Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Supreme Court won’t reinstate restrictiv­e North Carolina voter law

Court lets stand decision quashing N.C. restrictio­ns

- By David G. Savage

Justices allow lower court’s ruling quashing changes to early voting, ID rules.

WASHINGTON — In a victory for voting rights advocates, the Supreme Court has turned down an appeal from North Carolina’s Republican leaders and let stand a decision that struck down their 2013 law that added new restrictio­ns on voting.

The 4th Circuit Court had branded the law as racially biased and said North Carolina lawmakers had targeted black voters “with almost surgical precision.”

North Carolina lawmakers took action immediatel­y after the Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote had voided part of the historic Voting Rights Act that required some states, including North Carolina, to get federal approval before altering their voting laws.

The new North Carolina measure made five changes, including restrictin­g early voting, which had been used more often by AfricanAme­ricans, and by requiring registered voters to show one of several photo IDs at the polls. The appeals court noted the state had chosen the types of IDs that were less likely to be held by African-Americans.

Then-Gov. Pat McCrory, a Republican, slammed the decision and lodged an appeal with the Supreme Court. Last year, four of the high court’s conservati­ve justices had signaled they were prepared to block the lower court ruling and revive the law. They then lacked a fifth vote due to the vacancy left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.

But the situation changed in November when the state’s voters ousted McCrory and narrowly elected Democrat Roy Cooper. And he and the state’s attorney general, also a Democrat, recently told the high court they did not wish to appeal the lower court’s ruling.

At the same time, the GOP-controlled Legislatur­e said it did wish to have the appeal heard.

With the recent addition of Justice Neil Gorsuch, conservati­ves presumably would have had the votes this time to reinstate the North Carolina law.

But after considerin­g the issue for several weeks, the Supreme Court announced Monday it would not hear the case.

As is its custom, the justices did not give a reason for declining to review the lower court’s decision. But in an accompanyi­ng statement, Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. noted the particular circumstan­ces of the appeal, in which the Republican legislativ­e leadership attempted to continue the appeal and the Democratic governor and attorney general sought to abandon it.

“Given the blizzard of filings over who is and who is not authorized to seek review in this court under North Carolina law, it is important to recall our frequent admonition that the ‘denial of a writ of certiorari imports no expression of opinion upon the merits of the case,’ ” Roberts said.

The court’s action sets no legal precedent, but it likely ends the litigation over the North Carolina law.

Voting rights advocates hailed the demise of the law.

“An ugly chapter in voter suppressio­n is finally closing,” said Dale Ho, director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project.

“We are grateful that the Supreme Court has decided to allow the 4th Circuit’s ruling to stand, confirming that discrimina­tion has no place in our democracy and elections,” said Allison Riggs, senior staff attorney with the Southern Coalition for Social Justice. “This ruling sends a strong message that lawmakers in North Carolina should stop enacting laws that discrimina­te based on race.”

In a statement issued after the Supreme Court acted, Cooper said, “We need to be making it easier to vote, not harder — and the court found this law sought to discrimina­te against African-American voters with ‘surgical precision,’ I will continue to work to protect the right of every legal, registered North Carolinian to participat­e in our democratic process.”

The battle against the law, considered one of the nation’s most far-reaching, consumed years of litigation by the Obama administra­tion and a wide coalition of civil rights organizati­ons.

The Rev. William J. Barber II, president of the North Carolina NAACP, the lead organizati­onal plaintiff in the case, said, “Today we experience a victory for justice that is unimaginab­ly important for African Americans, Latinos, all North Carolinian­s, and the nation.”

The legislatur­e’s top Republican­s, House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger, said in a statement that they would enact a new voter-identifica­tion law.

“It is unconscion­able that Roy Cooper and (new Democratic Attorney General) Josh Stein —who ignored state law and flouted their conflicts of interest to kill voter ID in North Carolina — have now caused the vast majority of voters who support voter ID to be denied their day in court,” Moore and Berger said in a statement. “In light of Chief Justice Roberts’ statement that the ruling was not based on the merits of voter ID, all North Carolinian­s can rest assured that Republican legislator­s will continue fighting to protect the integrity of our elections by implementi­ng the commonsens­e requiremen­t to show a photo ID when we vote.”

The Supreme Court will soon rule on a case about whether the state’s congressio­nal districts were racially gerrymande­red, as a lower court found. And federal judges have also said the state must redraw state legislativ­e districts for the same reason. That decision is being appealed.

 ?? ROBERT WILLETT/THE NEWS & OBSERVER ?? People in North Carolina react Monday after hearing that the Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of the state’s 2013 voting law. The people had gathered for an NAACP chapter president’s announceme­nt that he was stepping down.
ROBERT WILLETT/THE NEWS & OBSERVER People in North Carolina react Monday after hearing that the Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of the state’s 2013 voting law. The people had gathered for an NAACP chapter president’s announceme­nt that he was stepping down.

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