Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

NSA’s ‘dynamite’ burned web

Powerful hack escaped from agency’s hands

- By Ellen Nakashima and Craig Timberg

When the National Security Agency began using a new hacking tool called EternalBlu­e, those entrusted with deploying it marveled at both its uncommon power and the widespread havoc it could wreak if it ever got loose.

Some officials even discussed whether the flaw was so dangerous they should reveal it to Microsoft, the company whose software the government was exploiting, according to former NSA employees who spoke on the condition of anonymity given the sensitivit­y of the issue.

But for more than five years, the NSA kept using it — through a time period that has seen several serious security breaches — and now the officials’ worst fears have been realized. The malicious code at the heart of the WannaCry virus that hit computer systems globally late last week was apparently stolen from the NSA, repackaged by cybercrimi­nals and unleashed on the world for a cyberattac­k that now ranks as among the most disruptive in history.

The failure to keep EternalBlu­e out of the hands of criminals and other adversarie­s casts the NSA’s decisions in a harsh new light, prompting critics to question anew whether the agency can be trusted to develop and protect such potent hacking tools.

Current and former officials defended the agency’s handling of EternalBlu­e, saying that the NSA must use such volatile tools to fulfill its mission of gathering foreign intelligen­ce. In the case of EternalBlu­e, the intelligen­ce haul was “unreal,” said one former employee.

“It was like fishing with dynamite,” said a second.

The NSA did not respond to several requests for comment for this article.

The consequenc­es of the NSA’s decision to keep the flaw secret, combined with its failure to keep the tool secure, became clear Friday when reports began spreading of a massive cyberattac­k in which the WannaCry software encrypted data on hundreds of thousands of computers and demanded a ransom to decrypt it.

The attack spread virally because the criminal hackers combined EternalBlu­e’s ability to penetrate systems with other code that caused it to spread quickly, like a computer worm, something the NSA never intended. The resulting digital concoction snarled hospitals in Britain, the Interior Ministry in Russia and tax offices in Brazil.

An unlikely combinatio­n of voices, ranging from the American Civil Liberties Union to a top Microsoft official to Russian President Vladimir Putin, has singled out the NSA for its role in creating and eventually losing control of the computer code.

Microsoft President Brad Smith, in a blog post Sunday, compared the mishap to “the U.S. military having some of its Tomahawk missiles stolen.”

Putin, for his part, echoed Microsoft: “They said that the first sources of this virus were the United States intelligen­ce agencies. Russia has absolutely nothing to do with this.”

While few critics are saying that the NSA should never develop malicious software — cracking into the computers of surveillan­ce targets is key to its work — the WannaCry incident has revived concerns about internal security at an agency that in 2013 lost massive troves of secret documents to contractor Edward Snowden.

“They’ve absolutely got to do a better job protecting (the hacking tools). You can’t argue against that,” said former NSA Director Keith Alexander, who ran the agency from 2005 to 2014 but said he was unable to comment on any particular tool. “You had somebody stealing you blind. The government has got to do better at that.”

The global backlash to the Snowden revelation­s added urgency to the government’s efforts to revamp rules on when to report flaws to companies and when to use them for surveillan­ce. Alexander said that about 90 percent of discovered flaws are reported to the companies that make the software.

Richard Ledgett, who retired this month as the NSA’s deputy director, said disclosing all flaws would amount to “unilateral disarmamen­t.” He said the idea that “everything would be just fine” if the NSA disclosed all the vulnerabil­ities it finds is “nonsense.”

In August, a mysterious group calling itself the Shadow Brokers dumped a set of exploits — or hacking tools — online. The exploits are built to take advantage of software flaws.

The agency eventually warned Microsoft after learning about EternalBlu­e’s theft, allowing the company to prepare a software patch issued in March. But the Shadow Brokers did not just release the flaw, which would take time and talent to turn into a tool. They released the exploits, which means even a novice hacker could use them to cause damage.

After fashioning their own tool, WannaCry hackers deployed it last week, causing an immediate outcry. The White House convened an emergency meeting of Cabinetlev­el heads led by Trump administra­tion homeland-security adviser Thomas Bossert.

U.S. systems were mostly spared, but the damage could have been far worse. Since the NSA began using EternalBlu­e, which targets some versions of Microsoft Windows, the U.S. military and many other institutio­ns updated software that was especially vulnerable.

The NSA also made upgrades to EternalBlu­e to address its penchant for crashing targeted computers — a problem that earned it the nickname “EternalBlu­eScreen,” after the blue screen often displayed by computers in distress.

To mitigate its instabilit­y in the early days, the NSA hackers were under strict usage rules that required approval from a senior supervisor on a target-by-target basis to use the exploit, the employees recalled.

After a few years, its stability was improved, but NSA was still mindful of the potential for harm if the tool somehow got breached.

“If one of our targets discovered we were using this particular exploit and turned it against the United States, the entire Department of Defense would be vulnerable,” the second employee said. “You just have to have a foothold inside the network and you can compromise everything.”

The Shadow Brokers’ first dump of exploits in August sparked a robust discussion within the Obama administra­tion. “By that point, the intelligen­ce value” of the exploits was “degraded,” so it was decided that NSA would alert whatever vendors were affected, a former senior administra­tion official said.

For years, NSA had its own internal process for weighing whether to disclose software flaws or keep them close so they could be used to build surveillan­ce tools. In the spring of 2014, the Obama administra­tion’s National Security Council kicked off a new process to vet vulnerabil­ities among agencies including the FBI, NSA, CIA and Department of Homeland Security.

 ?? PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP 2013 ?? NSA’s powerful hacking tool EternalBlu­e wasn’t supposed to leave the agency’s hands.
PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP 2013 NSA’s powerful hacking tool EternalBlu­e wasn’t supposed to leave the agency’s hands.

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