Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

S. Korean leader vows to stand with U.S. on N. Korea

- By Matthew Pennington

WASHINGTON — South Korea’s new leader vowed Wednesday to stand firmly with President Donald Trump against North Korea, playing down his past advocacy of a softer approach toward the nuclear-armed nation as he made his first visit as president to Washington.

President Moon Jae-in offered an emotional tribute to Marines who fought in a fierce battle in the Korean War that helped in the mass evacuation of Korean civilians, including his own parents. Moon said that without those American sacrifices, he would not be here today.

“Together we will achieve the dismantlem­ent of North Korea’s nuclear program, peace on the Korean Peninsula and eventually peace in Northeast Asia,” Moon said, after laying a wreath at a Marine Corps base in Quantico, Va., as he began his first overseas trip since taking office last month.

A monument at Quantico commemorat­es the 1950 Battle of Chosin Reservoir, when heavily outnumbere­d American forces fought a rearguard action against advancing Chinese communist troops that bought time for about 100,000 Korean civilians to be shipped out to safety — 14,000 of them on a single vessel that ferried out Moon’s parents. Moon was born in South Korea in 1953.

Moon was underscori­ng his personal commitment to the U.S.-South Korean alliance in the face of questions over whether his inclinatio­n toward engagement with North Korea despite its rapidly advancing nuclear capability could lead to strains in relations with Washington.

Moon’s conservati­ve predecesso­r, who was impeached in a bribery scandal, took a hard line toward North Korea, similar to Trump. Despite Moon’s softer stance, the North’s rapid tempo of missile tests has continued, deepening U.S. fears that the American mainland could soon be within range.

Trump’s National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said the U.S. is preparing “all options” for North Korea, “because the president has made clear to us that he will not accept a nuclear power in North Korea and a threat that can target the United States.”

The talks between Moon and Trump, which begin with dinner on tonight then formal talks Friday, come amid wrangling over North Korea.

China is pushing the United States to start negotiatio­ns with the North. That prospect appears unlikely as Trump grows frustrated over Beijing’s level of economic pressure on the North, its wayward ally.

North Korea shows no sign of wanting to restart talks on abandoning its nuclear weapons program.

Although Moon hopes to forge a personal bond with Trump, there’s little in common between them: one a brash American tycoon-turned-populist president, the other a former human rights lawyer who received an elite education but opted for grassroots activism.

Moon sought to allay concerns over difference­s with Trump in interviews before his visit. He described his approach to the North as consistent with the U.S. administra­tion strategy of “maximum pressure and engagement.” The White House is also playing down difference­s.

Moon told The Washington Post that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is “unreasonab­le” and “very dangerous” and that pressure was necessary. But Moon said sanctions alone would not solve the problem, and dialogue was needed “under the right conditions.”

Six prominent former U.S. officials, including former Defense Secretary William Perry and former Secretary of State George Shultz, on Wednesday also called for dialogue. They wrote to Trump, urging him to establish communicat­ion with North Korea “to avoid a nuclear catastroph­e.”

Missile defense is another contentiou­s topic. Earlier this month, Moon surprised U.S. officials by delaying the full deployment of a U.S. system intended to protect South Korea and the 28,000 U.S. forces based there against North Korean missiles.

 ?? ALEX BRANDON/AP ?? South Korean President Moon Jae-in, left, and wife Kim Jung-sook at a ceremony at Marine Corps Base Quantico.
ALEX BRANDON/AP South Korean President Moon Jae-in, left, and wife Kim Jung-sook at a ceremony at Marine Corps Base Quantico.

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