Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Polls put Abe, ruling coalition in driver’s seat of Japan races


TOKYO — Japan’s leader may have made the right call after all, at least for himself if not his country.

Media polls indicate Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ruling coalition will handily win a general election Sunday, possibly even retaining its two-thirds majority in the more powerful lower house of parliament.

Japanese voters may not love Abe, but they appear to want to stick with what they know, rather than hand the reins to an opposition with little or no track record. Uncertainl­y over North Korea and its growing missile and nuclear arsenal may be heightenin­g that underlying conservati­sm. “I buy into Prime Minister Abe’s ability to handle diplomacy,” said Naomi Mochida, a 51-year-old woman listening to Abe campaign on a recent day in Saitama prefecture, outside of Tokyo. “I think the most serious threat we face now is the North Korea situation. I feel Prime Minister Abe has been showing the best tactics to handle the situation, compared to other politician­s including past prime ministers.”

Abe dissolved the lower house a little more than three weeks ago on the day it convened for a special session, forcing the snap election. The timing seemed ripe for his ruling Liberal-Democratic Party, or at least better than waiting.

Support for Abe’s Cabinet had bounced back from summertime lows. The main opposition force, the Democratic Party, was in more disarray than usual after its leader had resigned. Holding off would only give a potential rival, Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike, more time to organize a challenge.

Meanwhile, early voting stations became congested Saturday as people voted ahead of the election Sunday due to the approach of Typhoon No. 21, which is moving toward Japan.

 ?? KIMIMASA MAYAMA/EPA-EFE ?? Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe greets potential voters Saturday in Tokyo.
KIMIMASA MAYAMA/EPA-EFE Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe greets potential voters Saturday in Tokyo.

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