Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Spacey apologizes after allegation­s


Kevin Spacey on Sunday responded to accusation­s that he made a sexual advance on a minor, saying that he didn’t remember the encounter with actor Anthony Rapp but apologized “if I did behave as (Rapp) describes.”

The veteran actor also publicly came out as gay in the same statement. “This story has encouraged me to address other things about my life,” Spacey said.

In an interview with BuzzFeed published Sunday, Rapp said he was in Spacey’s apartment for a party in 1986, and at the end of the night, Spacey picked Rapp up, placed him on a bed and climbed on top of him, making an advance. The two knew each other because of their Broadway work; Rapp at the time was 14, and Spacey was 26, BuzzFeed reported. The publicatio­n notes requests for comment from Spacey went unanswered. Hours later, Spacey posted his statement on Twitter, writing: “I’m beyond horrified to hear his story.”

“I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago,” Spacey continued. “But if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropri­ate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years.”

His late-night statement outraged many, particular­ly in the LGBT community, who accused Spacey on Monday of trying to deflect from a serious accusation by coming out and implying that it was his choice to be gay.

 ?? EVAN AGOSTINI/INVISION ?? Kevin Spacey said he didn’t remember making the sexual advance that Anthony Rapp accused him of.
EVAN AGOSTINI/INVISION Kevin Spacey said he didn’t remember making the sexual advance that Anthony Rapp accused him of.
 ??  ?? Rapp

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